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I want him to go further, but how?

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Hey! Me and my bf have kissed and all that, but i always like put my hands slightly up his shirt but he just like wraps his arms around my waist but i want him to like go further, just not like sex! Just like more flirty, guys, what would you like a girl to do to make you more intrested? Coz` i just want a bit more attraction between both of us. Help!

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Let him know. Let him know its okay to put his hands elsewhere on you... Give him some signs, and let him know what feels good too when he does. Put his hands on you if you want.. Lead him on, so he knows it is okay. Giggle or make a moaning noice while making out to let him know you like it.

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hey, i might help with this, but i was the same way with my first girlfriend, even if she led i was scared that she didn't really want, and that if i did something wrong it would ruin the "mood" and we would stop whatever we were doing. but after a while she outright told me bluntly that she wanted me to go further than what we were doing, and after that it was great we both had fun, so if you want it to move forward, just tell him, i think guys really appreciate it when you tell them what you like and what you don't, and you usually only have to say it once. so hope this helps


don't forget, communication is key for relationships to be worthwhile for both parties.

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