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falling hard and fast for a friend

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i've met this incredible girl at work and i have only known her for about 2 months. for the past month, we've gotten pretty close b/c we hang out almost everyday, prob 5 or 6 days out of the week. she is the most amazing girl ever. she is exactly the type of girl i'm looking for. but the twist here is that she's engaged, but she's also in love w/ another guy from work.

i am basically her best friend, but i am deeply in love with her. i know it's love b/c i just want her to be happy no matter what, even if it means not being with me. the more we hang out and get to know eachother, the more i fall for her and develop stronger feelings. she's already said that i am her best friend but she doesn't have the same feelings for me. i've tried accepting what she said to me and be friends but it's really hard to handle. i see myself getting all jealous and mad when she does things w/ this other guy at work that she's in love with. meanwhile her engagement to her bf is crumbling and basically non existent. i get mad and act weird with her sometimes and it really puts a strain on our friendship. i just don't know how to deal with this. if i just stopped hanging out with her and being her friend, eventually my feelings would go away probably, but i'm not willing to do that b/c i want her in my life b/c she is one of my best friends and one of the most amazing people i have ever met. i just don't know how to deal with this....any answers or tips out there, please

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Well, what is it that you don't understand. Didn't she tell you that she had no feeling towards you? Swallow the fact okay? And this your not wanting to let go. Hey, you need a piece of ass fast. Okay? Once you got your rocks off, you would know how to proceed with this woman. She is your good friend, not your sex partner. Pure and simple.

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