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Is my brother in the way of my happiness?

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I met one of my brother's friends a while ago & we;ve been hanging out alot lately. We lay in bed together 1/2 naked, grab each other's butts, ect all the time but haven't even kissed. We talk about wanting to hook up & we tell each other that its going to happen (my new thing is that it won't happen until we're it the retirement home!), but still nothing. Last night he supposidly told a friend of mine that he likes me but is afraid of my brother.

I really like this guy. I;ve tried every way possible to make sure he knows my brother wouldn;t mind. Told him that I've dated his friends before, that he;s learned to stay out of my love life, ect.... How do I find out if that comment was a cop out or not?

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When he said hes "afraid of your brother", it suppose to mean he dont' want to disrespect him. So he just have to be a man and go up to your brother and ask your brother if he can get to know you. If he doesn't have the balls, then he just want to have a fling w/you and nothing more.

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