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She's at it again

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So this girl's at it again....



Ok, so if no one knows about this girl... I knew her in high school, we recently met up, and she has been sending me mixed signals. I have a post about it from earlier.


Anyway, so she told me she was coming to my school for something and that she wanted to meet up, so I agreed.


She came up with some friends, but decided to hang out with me instead. So we hung out for a bit, and then she asked if she could stay at my place so I agreed again. We got her stuff from a friends house and headed back.


I planned on sleeping on my couch and let her have the bed, because I was still unsure of everything, but she told me to sleep with her in the bed. So things happened, we didn't have sex but there were some heavy times.


Yet, the next day when we woke up, it was akward, at least for me, because I didn't know if what happened the night before meant anything or if it was because of alcohol which I hate. We didn't talk about it, got some breakfast and then I dropped her back off at her friends place.


But here I am wondering what, if anything, it all meant. I haven't talked to her since then, and I am back to being hung out to dry. She always does this, and yet every time it seems to be getting more intimate and then she wont talk to me for a while afterward.


I don't know, it just seems peculiar to me the way she is playing me like this. I want to take a chance, but everytime I think she actually might hang around she ends up giving me the cold shoulder. I am really tweaked about this, and that bugs me. For the first time, I dont know how to read a girl, which is why I think I'm attracted to her so much. She is such a mystery.


Any advice and/or comments? I have never encountered this before and I have no idea what is going on.

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Have you ever thought that maybe it was you that was sending mixed signals? Do you call her after the next day? You said yourself that you don't say anything about it the morning after, niether does she because she's scared, and then you not saying anything also makes her feel self conscious. Try TALKING to her. Communication is the thing that relationships lack the most. Tell her how you feel. It's not easy but if you want things to progress and you to stop wondering what's going on you have to.

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If you know her routine then how can you expect her to act any different. You said that she gives you the cold shoulder when you show interest. This time isnt any different from the past. Take the situation for what it was, obviously you have an interest in this girl but for her its casual. There is nothing wrong with liking her but you have to realize that she isnt going to reciprocate those feelings. I wouldnt stress over the situation, given what you know about her how could you expect anything else from her?

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I wouldnt say I'm stressing over the situation. Sure I see the pattern Im just simply trying to make sense of it all.


And there's a lot of reasons why I could expect else from her. For one, she is putting in an effort to see me when she does, so if it's only casual to her why go through the trouble? why ask to stay at my place when she had another place to stay? Casual or not, she realizes that she's laying it on thick. Its only afterward is when she becomes cold. So, I just think if there is some way to stop her from shying away afterward then I will break the cycle we're in.


And sure I could just go up to her and talk about it, but it doesn't seem advisable to me. I haven't known her long enough to just ask her about it, because it might drive her away, which right now is not something I want to do.


But thanks everyone, you've been a great help.

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