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Well I just wanted some advice on flirting. I go to the cinema quite a lot with my friends and it seems to be a great place to meet people.


Anyway theres this guy there and he's really cute.He's one of the ticket selling dudes. He sees me every so often at cinema and he sometimes says 'heya' he remembers me everytime I see him. I bought some tickets for National Treausre, then I decided I wanted tickets for an earlier showing so he had to refund them for me and my friend. So he remembers us from that incident


But I don't know if he's single or not. So how should I start a conversation without it ending in akward silence


Also I'm not sure of his age.


So what do you think?



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Well perhaps the best time to chit chat with him is during the slow hours. So you can always ask him what movies he would recommend, people like giving their opinions or recommendations. But you don't want to converse too long in the beginning. Then later on you can ask about achick flick movie & ask how his girlfriend thought of it as well, so you are assuming that he has a gf & if he doesn't have a gf, he will let you know about his status. That is how I approach it when it comes to strangers, is to assume that they are taken, then they will correct me. Hope this helps for icebreaker & in figuring out his status. But make sure to smile & if he does says something funny to laugh, but don't laugh all the time otherwise that can sound annoying. Also the conversations has to go both ways in which he is not always answer questions, but asking you questions as well

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cheers passions1,


I'm going to cinema at weekend with my 'old friend' Jazmine. A couple of months ago I was willing to dump her like dog ****


However, her grandad died and she rang me to talk to me. So in some weird way she has a heart and values our friendship. We thought of going to the cinema cause it's our place were we hang.


Anyways most of the ticket salesmen dudes are cute. She's really good a flirting but she is very girly. I'm just a tomboy so I don't want to flirt like a girly gurl.


I'll be so gutted if he isn't at work when I get there Oh well! how big age gap do you consider to be acceptable?




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Seeing as you live in the UK, I imagine he has to be 18 or over to work there.

Thing is, if he is really attractive and that, he would probably be going out with, or wanting to date, someone nearer his own age (ie someone who's allowed to drink and just do adult type things).

To be honest though, showing him interest may make his day, and you never know Good luck!

The only tip I could suggest is perhaps eye contact, and just chit-chat.

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