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How did everyone fair this Easter weekend??

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For those of us trying to get back with or move on from an EX and the emotional roller coasters, did everyone make it thru the holiday Easter weekend OK??? I hope so. The weather was awful yesterday, but it was a good day all in all.... I feel pretty upbeat today, got alot of decisions to make, but I feel ok today!!

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hi there. Thx for asking. Mine was pretty much average. The most significant thing was that i visit my best friend last friday. He asked me to go to his place, and we had some nice fun together. Besides that passed most of time at home except saturday afternoon when some friends came by and we went for some drinks in the regular coffee... Nothing exceptional happened... Oh well, can't have it all good always...


Hope you guys had it better...

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Went well for me after my conversation with her Saturday morning. If you read my posts you understand why. Anyways, how was the casino? Did you win anything??


Well this is day 2 and I feel stronger today than yesterday. I felt pretty strong yesterday so that is a very good thing. That email from her that I posted on here, well I didn't delete that. I figure when I want to e mail, text, or call her I will just read that again for discouragement. Especially the part where she said, "it is something I feel strongly about and I haven't given up on it. I don't tell you this to hurt you but since you have been prying for information I thought I would give you the latest".

The funny thing is, on the outside, what she considers to be the "latest" is actually no different from what she told me 4 months ago. They are either making zero progress or she is just not being honest. I am guessing they aren't making any progress and she is just too involved to see it. It is, in a morbid way, kind of funny.

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Im sorry volution. Holidays do suck when you are alone, that is for sure. It is best to stay busy and treat it like is just another day....


Glad you are getting along good keefy. As far as the casino went, I started off real good, then I kinda gave alot of my winnings back, but finished pretty strong. I was happy, and just glad to get away for awhile.... thanks for asking.


My EX did call and left a message for happy Easter, and she said something to the effect she knew I had my phone turned off, but I didnt tell her what I was doing this weekend, but thats ok.....


I did some thinking about it all, and I still havent decided what I wanna do, but thats ok....

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