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Try figuring this out, what is your purpose to life?

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some people say "To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering, on must not love. But then one suffers from not loving. thereforeeee, to love is to suffer; not to love is to suffer; to suffer is to suffer. To be happy is to love. To be happy, then, is to suffer, but suffering makes one unhappy. thereforeeee, to be happy, one much love to suffer or suffer from too much happiness..." is that true, are you living for pain and happiness, what your life like?

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Sometimes people suffer when they love someone, but if you truly love someone with all your heart you won't see it as suffering. You will do anything to care for them and take care of them. If you love someone, you would be willing to die for them. Maybe you don't feel that way right now...but when you really find someone who you love and who was made just for you, you will understand that love and suffering go hand in hand, but you won't experience the suffering, because you will love her so much. Its like running race for a gold medal at the Olympics. Sure you will feel some pain, but you will be so focused on winning that you won't really feel the pain...you will ignore it. So it will be with love.

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...to be happy...and ideally, make someone else happy... I honestly don't think about it much 'cause I don't think about it much. I would imagine that the only people who have been around long enough know such things need assistance to uninate.

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To love, to be loved, to be happy, and to bring happiness.... Ultimately, it is these things which I hope my life shows me before my last day. My purpose in life has yet to be shown to me, and I honestly hope it is never revealed, or that it hides itself until my last day. Fro if my purpose is known and fulfilled, then what should become of my days thereafter?


There is an old saying - "tis better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all...." To which the best response I have heard is, "Oh yeah, try it sometime!"


If at all possible, love those around you, even those that claim to hate you.... Ultimately, even if they never come to love you back, they will at least have to admit respect....

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Life consists of love and suffering, good times and bad. You can't try to avoid one, you will experience the whole range of emotions. Both, and everything else we experience, makes us the people we are.


So, what is the point of life:


Be good and do good.


Grow as a person and be the best you can be, working to achieve your full potential.


Help others to achieve their full potential.


Strive to make this world the wonderful, peaceful place it could and should be. Make heaven a place on earth.

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Existential philosophy is what I use to govern my thoughts and actions. Each man drives the car down the road of destiny..and can take turns according to his own descisions. Instituitions and the life as we know it, is humans attempt to creat rationality out of a very irrational world.

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The purpose of life is for you to define your own purpose. This purpose should be fulfilling to you, something that you will take happiness in no matter what the future holds for you.


For example, the purpose I have defined for myself is to do the best that I can do and be the best that I can be. I don't think anyone would be disappointed if that's all one ever accomplished in life.


Just remember that life is a deck of cards. You don't pick the hand you're dealt, but you play that hand to the best of your ability, and that's all that matters.

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The purpose of life is for you to define your own purpose. This purpose should be fulfilling to you, something that you will take happiness in no matter what the future holds for you.


For example, the purpose I have defined for myself is to do the best that I can do and be the best that I can be. I don't think anyone would be disappointed if that's all one ever accomplished in life.


Just remember that life is a deck of cards. You don't pick the hand you're dealt, but you play that hand to the best of your ability, and that's all that matters.


Wow that was deep.

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I think that purpose has to be more than just what you make it out to be. Hitler killed tens of millions of people...was that his life's purpose? What if he was destined to do something else. He wanted to be an artist I believe...maybe that was his true purpose, but he obviously got side tracked.


I believe in destiny that transcends personal goals and ideals. THis destiny is created by the Higher Power.

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I think that purpose has to be more than just what you make it out to be. Hitler killed tens of millions of people...was that his life's purpose? What if he was destined to do something else. He wanted to be an artist I believe...maybe that was his true purpose, but he obviously got side tracked.


I believe in destiny that transcends personal goals and ideals. THis destiny is created by the Higher Power.


Hitler lived off of revenge, which is neither purposeful or fulfilling. Individuals however, do not see revenge as a viable solution. They have the integrity in themselves to recognize the futility of revenge. To the individual, revenge assumes yourself to the same level as that of the offender. Violence only begots violence. If you would like me to expand more I can do that.

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Maybe Hitler's purpose was to show us how not to be. Granted, it would have been better if he had not chosen the life he did and he squandered the vast potential he had. But why not use him as an example of what we need to avoid doing. That way all the people who died, their lives have meaning. And in a bizarre way, Hitler's life would have meaning and purpose as well.


I agree, violence begets more violence. But only if we let it. Learn from the mistakes of the past so they aren't repeated.

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mehr als Mensch,


Hitler was an individual.


What you said I very agree with; the purpose of (an individual's) life is defined by the individual to be pursued so long as it gives gratification. Hitler was pretty darned happy with his life's purpose. Not all individuals are noble or possessing specific virtue - as you put it, not all individuals are delt the same hand of cards.





what Mensch said :


"Just remember that life is a deck of cards. You don't pick the hand you're dealt, but you play that hand to the best of your ability, and that's all that matters."


I dont believe destiny is written by a higher power. I believe that given the circumstances I am delt, I write my destiny as life unfolds.





Do we, as a race, learn from the mistakes of the past? I've been thinking about that for a while now.



My purpose is to maximise my human potential meeting all challenges and experiences as best I can, irregardless of accomplishments or failures, and have a darn good time doing so.



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Hitler was only an individual insofar as that he is singular. Real individuality must be authentic, otherwise one is just a product of the society one lives in. Hilter lived in a society where anti-Semitism was a social norm. This was of course taken to an extreme by him, but that just goes to show what is possible from society. If he had authenticity, he would have questioned why there was a prejudice against Judaism, because the individual recognizes the relativity of life in general. While the individual is not Jewish, he or she may have just as likely been. The individual realizes that to discriminate against the Jews or anyone for that matter would make him or her inauthentic, because the individual must treat others as he or she would like to be treated. Obviously this didn't bother Hitler. Another requirement of authenticity is that one should become who he or she is. This is another of the many areas Hitler fails individuality. Hitler was afraid to be himself because he thought he might actually be Jewish. One simply can't take meaning away from Hitler's life either, because that would be to say that meaning is selfevident, or absolute, which it isn't. Meaning, like life, is subjective, or relative. Only the individual may choose or create the meaning in his or her life. Absolute meaning is exactly what made Hitler possible.

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Yes, as a race we learn from the mistakes of the past. It's a slow gradual process that will take millennia to perfect, but its happening. Most people are appalled by the actions of someone like Hitler and realize we need to work to prevent things like that from happening again. The world's not perfect, but I really believe most people try to make it a better place by not repeating the mistakes of the past.

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