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I sit here, thinking of you, like I have all day long. The TV is on, but I don't see it, not really. I sit here, thinking you.


Wondering where you are. Wondering who you are with. Is she blond? Is she skinny? Does she make you laugh like I used to do. Are you crazy for her? Are you falling in love with her? I sit here, thinking of you and who you are with.


Will she be the type of person that makes you feel you need to hide your true self from. Is she the type of person who will allow you to be yourself and feel conident and true? Will she love your quirky behaviour? Will she laugh at your silly jokes? I sit here, thinking of you.


I'm wondering if you will meet someone new. Someone who will make you, help you, be a better person. The person you always were or should have been? Does she complete you the way you said I completed you? Do you watch Jerry MaGuire together? I sit here, thinking of you and who you are holding.


Will this girl ever love you like I do? Will she sit in a room and watch you sleep just for the sheer joy of it? Will she steal glances at you when you don't know she is looking? Will her heart race when you are near, like mine did? Will she see you for the beautiful person you are? I sit here, thinking of you.


Now the tears are coming. After so long a time, how can they be coming again? Didn't I say goodbye to them so long ago? Didn't I tell someone yesterday that I was better, happier? Wasn't that me? Why MUST I sit here waiting to see if you will call and knowing that you won't? Why can't I get over this? Move on? Why must your face appear in my thoughts just when I least expect it?


I sit here, thinking of you and wondering if you are sitting somewhere, thinking of me.

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Thank you both so much! I was feeling especially down and blue that day, after 5 days of NC, it was really starting to get ot me.


Today though, today I am better! I enjoyed Easter with my ex's Mom (she invited me over after not hearing from him for a week). I had fun talking to her about stupid stuff. We didn't discuss the ex except for once and she said how she wished we could work it out, but she wants what's best for us both.


I don't know, I just feel good today. I hardly thought about him at all. That's a GREAT thing!


VHS - - SHOW ME THE MONEY!!! I love that movie! It cracks me up! But then again, Tom ain't looking that bed in the movie either! LOL


Happy Easter to all of you out there!

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You should be writing this stuff for a living!


Its very good, in fact the way i feel at the moment has made me reach for my tissues to wipe the tears from my eyes, i try to smile hiding behind my sad disguise.

Sorrow has drained my heart and head, now am off to a lonely bed!


I dream of happy times we once had, yet now my heart just feels so sad.

Maybe one day this nightmare will end, and maybe my life into hell wont decend!


What do you recon to that one?


I love the way you expressed your true feelings, we can torment ourselves over lost love, our imagination can be a cruel companion indeed!



Hey i do write poetry and have just finished my last one b4 my ex left me six weeks ago, its called ''winter'' (not that you get many where you live! do you want to hear it?

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I would love to hear it! And thank you very much for the compliment! I used to write poetry all the time and was publish once when I was in high school, of course it was just a book that the school system would publish for the higher ranking SAT students, but I got two in there!


Post it here where it will do more people good and I promise to try and put some more on here. I've been writing quite a lot lately.



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Ok here you go.........dont blame me if its a bit cheesy..........











Winter is Here


Summers breeze has blown its last,

Distant memories of sunny warmth now in the past.


Swallows that once graced pure blue skies.

Now replaced by sombre clouds in dark disguise.


Lush green trees that once swayed gently in natures breath,

Now all stark and stiff, like skeletons in death.


Skylarks that once sang on long hot summer days,

Now just silence and emptyness among cold misty haze.


Children singing and playing out loud,

Now just empty streets covered with a dull dark shroud.


Barbecues once smoking with people drinking and fun,

Now just empty gardens all cold, empty and feelings of glum.


Families in parks children playing on rides,

Now deathly silence......just rusty frozen slides.


People outside warm pubs, drinking thirst quenching beer,

No more of that either, you've guessed it.......WINTER IS HERE!



Well you wont find this on any other forum website anywher its my own poem.....first time seen by anyone else.......it may not be 'keats'.....but it is my own!

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