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my cousins friend

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heres the story: my cousin has this friend. i am beginning to feel an attraction to her just from talking on the phone and IMing. next week we are meeting up at my cousins house and i eventually plan to kiss her then.


heres the plan: i told her i wanted to tell her something. now ive got her interested in what it is cause i told her i cant tell her over the phone and that it would be much more fun in person. now she really wants to know what it is(hopefully she wont lose interest because i know some girls can lose interest in something very quickly) so next week at my cousins house i intend to tease her a little bit and somehow bring up the topic of what i was gonna tell her. when she asks i take her somewhere private and lean in to tell her, and at the last second ill kiss her. (ya i know this sounds like ive payed WAY too much thought into this, but i like to have a plan)


heres the questions: 1) do u think this will work?

2) any suggestions of things that i should do while kissing her, or maybe a certain way of kissing her?

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sounds like a good plan man...i mean i would do it, i have done sometin similar to that, but you have to find out how outgoing she is before that and like when you two are flirting you gotta see how she reacts to some stuff u can pretty much tell if she into you or not. now either way just do it cause then u will have no regrets and thats one thing that sucks is when u walk away regreting not doing someting. hope i helped later man peace in the middle east rain in spain holla back at the godfather

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