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why is this all i think about

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Ive been going out with this girl for almost 2 months, but for some reason all i can think about is when were going to break up. I love her so much and i dont want to break up with her at all and i think she feels the same (she always says she misses me, and how fun the summers going to be cause well get to hang out all the time). Were in highschool and things rarely last to long in highschool, so i dont know if thats why i think about it so much or not, but it bothers me.


Also im a pretty sarcastic person, does that bother women alot? I know when not to be sarcastic though so its not like she tells me a problem and i say something stupid.


But yea, thanks

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If you think you and her are going to break up and let that take over your overall feelings about her its going to really hurt your relationship. Relax man you got a beautiful girl and you should be proud of that. Just relax and take it one step at a time. Spend alot of time with her and just show her your a great person for you. Hope this helped, And good luck.

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Im having a similar feeling rite now with my girlfriend. sometimes I feel negative like 'how im gonna keep contact once im in college?' but all that does is make things worse for her and yourself. Just like Ddog187 said before. Dont worry about something that hasn't happened yet. Whenever you get to hangout with her make every moment count.

If its meant to be then your love will survive through the moments when your distant from each other

Hope this helps you. if u need anything else just pm me

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