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Planned a shooting rampage

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I heard in the news that somewhere in Canada some kids were planning a Columbine style shooting rampage but they got caught. This reminded me of when I was in high school. I was always bullied and was very angry and depressed and suicidal. I thought all the time of going on a shooting rampage. I was just so angry and so hurt. I understand how the Columbine boys felt. I sympathize with them. I was also hurt like that. Driven to kill. Fortunately I did not do it, and today I am much happier. I am glad I was detered. Life does get better and happier. But I know how others feel. If there is anyone on this forum who is thinking about going on a rampage, remember that you have your whole life ahead of you and even though you may be miserable now, you won't be miserable forever. Remember all the good things that will happen in the future: A wife (or husband), a career, kids, travelling, friends, eating, all sorts of fun stuff. But remember that you are not alone. I am glad that I chose NOT to go on a shooting rampage, though I felt like doing it at the time. LIfe does get better.

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pumpkin - I am happy to hear that you never carried out your thoughts and have found that life gets better. I think it is a sad thing that people, especially children, think that the only way to get rid of pain or to solve a problem is to kill. Others have said it before: death is a permanent solution to a temporary problem... and killing someone else will create a great many more problems for you - many of them permanent.


I truly hope we can find a reasonable way to reduce violence in children.

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Yes, bullying remains a terrible problem in schools. The public is fooled if they think it's been largely eradicated since Columbine. I think the problem is that people tend to think, oh well, it happens to everyone when they are kids and they just have to suck it up. That is so wrong - I think one of the reasons some kids perform terribly in school is because they are so stressed from being bullied.


Regarding the Columbine guys, though...I have no sympathy for them. They idolized the Nazis - a group that pretty much depicted bullying at its worse. And according to witnesses, they were calling the black boy they shot the "n" word. They were racist monsters.

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