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Girl problems Help Confused as hell.....

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Ok this is not anyhting about sex But all the same maby yall can help me Well I have this girl That i met and We had been seeing eachother For like everyday for 5 days or so.. We did have sex like the 4rth day and stuff it was good.... Well anyway The 5th night We were having sex and condom broke Right there i was like omfg Cant believe the pos broke and i was pretty mad about it anyway i was pretty much Demanding she take a pill Just incase And i htink it made her mad Im not sure But Basically after that night she dident call me the whole next day and its weird because She usually calls me and stuff and then today the 2nd day i havent spoke to her, I called her and she dident answer 2 times i called like 2 hours apart the 3rd time i called She answerd and said she was in magna kind of not really happy i called you know And i was like what are you doing tongiht and she Basically told me she had work and she has to close and she would call me tomarrow , Now its weird cuz She use to call me every chance she got It seemed like, And now its like she really doesent care. What is wrong with her? And How do i fix this problem Cuz i really like her alot...

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Can I ask how old are you? Remember...sex shouldn't just be something you do, it is something special that you need to share with people you love deeply. Anyways, I think that you didn't offend her. She is probably just saying that to cover up the truth. I think the problem is that she is worried right now about things that could happen. Sex often kills relationships dude. You have to understand that sex occurs by natural causes. I think you two were forcing it upon yourselves either because it just feels good or you two were confused. I'm not trying to come off mean by questioning you, but things just seemed a little odd in your situation. Right now, you have to give her some time to think about things. The consequences that could occur strain the mind of women, and respectfully so. Try to be respectful of her wishes right now and I am sure things will get back to normal in a little while. I'm not trying to be your mom or dad right now, but calm down on the whole sex thing. Your not going to want this same thing to be a continuous cycle.

Good luck man...I'm sure you and her will soon be cool about things. 8)

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Well Firwst Off, She Is the one that wanted the sex, See I only Met this girl and she had come to my house everyday for like i said 6days.. On the 4rth day she wanted the sex And i liked her so i gave it to her.. I dident force it on her.. It seems she is with other guys to me I dont know for sure but , What can i do to make this girl Be mine only Mine I have never felt this way about a girl and trust me i have been with TONS....

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