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First Date....what is appropriate?

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Hey Everyone!


Hope you all could help me out. Guys and Girls opinions would be greatly appreciated! I recently started talking to this absolutely awesome guy! Very VERY funny, nice guy. I am very excitied to meet him.....he asked me out for dinner and drinks. Usually when I meet someone for the first time, we just have coffee...and I usually wear some nice jeans and a nice sweater or shirt. But I got my icome tax refund (he he he)...and thought maybe I should treat myself to some new clothes.


Anyways, Since this is going to be dinner...should I wear dress pants...or should I wear jeans? I am buying some new tops....and I am just wondering...would something a little lower cut be inappropriate? I don't mean a full on display of the "girls"...lol...something tasteful. What does everyone think? Any insight is greatly appreciated!

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I say it all depends on what kind of restaurant you'll be going to. If its somewhere a bit upper scale, I would say dress it up a little bit. If you don't want to ask him straight off where you're going, maybe you can ask him which city you will be in? That might give you a hint. Also, you might be able to tell just from how he is in general. If he's a struggling student, he might not be able to break bank for a date. But if he's a doctor, it might be different.


In general, I think its safer to be a bit overdressed rather than underdressed. Look nice, and sexy - but not like you're trying TOO hard.


About wearing something lower, I say sexy is great! But a good rule of thumb is that if you're going to be showing off one particular "asset," you should be more conservative with other assets. So if you're going for cleavage, don't go with the mini skirt.

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I would say wear something that is "you", and also something that is feminine. Guys tend to like girls that dress like ladies, especially on dates. I would maybe wear a dress, but nothing too revealing. Wear something that shows off your good features, but in a somewhat conservative way.


Definitely look GOOOOOD though!!!

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Oh, whatever Al. It's a date, not a job interview.


Well, why to send a wrong message in the very beginning?

You know, it is super easy for girls: just wear a shirt skirt and all guys would tunr their heads... but the question do you really want it?

My point is she wants to attract his attention by something else, not that lower cut. If she comes all "seriously" dressed as for a job interview, it show she takes it seriously: relationship s a serious matter for her, since she choose be be nicely dressed on the very first date.

Just think about: you will not go on the first date in a mini skirt. Why?

This i sexactly the same reason she should not wear lower cut.

Amplitude is different yeah, but the meaning, the message she sends is the same.


if a guy takes you to the most expensive place to eat... how would you feel? I am sure not exactly how you would like to feel.

Same with women and lower cut.

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Yes! Yes I have worn miniskirts on first dates. When it's hot in the summertime, and it's what I'd be wearing anyways, then yes! I'm not going to show up on a date the way I would to a job interview: In a business suit, glasses, low-heeled black pumps, and hair in a bun, along with a pad of paper and a pen. Nope - I'm going to wear what's comfortable, and what shows off my assets.

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Yes! Yes I have worn miniskirts on first dates.

When it's hot in the summertime, and it's what I'd be wearing anyways, then yes!


2. I'm not going to show up on a date the way I would to a job interview: In a business suit, glasses, low-heeled black pumps, and hair in a bun, along with a pad of paper and a pen. Nope - I'm going to wear what's comfortable, and what shows off my assets.


Maybe it is acceptable if it is really that hot. But. Could not you weak some nice light dress instead?

I am sorry but if you still tend to wear miniskirt on the first date no wonder guys are interested in having sex and not very much into asking you out second time. You immediately send them s message!

Guys are simple: they pick up this message.

Just for a change: when it is hot, try to wear a nice light long.. or just longer dress. And see what will happen.


2. You dont need to. Just a long dress - it is that hard to do? It is more tempting to show off your assests? Can you wait a date or two? Then, later on it would be perfectly acceptable and good.

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Sorry Al, but you don't know what you're talking about here. As for my other post, picking up guys in bars, and first dates, two separate things! I think that we just have very different ideas of what is appropriate. Trust me, I've worn miniskirts on plenty of first dates, and been asked out on more. That's not the problem. I've worn jeans and a T-shirt, and met guys at bars.


I wouldn't jump to such conclusions. Girl wearning miniskirt = she wants sex. No! How about, girl wearning miniskirt because a) it's in fashion, b) weather is hot, c) wants to show off her tattoo on her leg, d) just bought a cute skirt and want to wear it, or e) has nice legs and wants to show them off.


Any guy that would assume because I'm wearing a miniskirt that I want sex - well, that's a guy I really don't care to associate with.


I have nice legs, and when it's summer and warm, I'm going to enjoy the nice weather and I'm going to wear miniskirts - to Farmer's Market, to the library, wherever.

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1. Trust me, I've worn miniskirts on plenty of first dates, and been asked out on more.


2. I wouldn't jump to such conclusions. Girl wearning miniskirt = she wants sex. No! How about, girl wearning miniskirt because a) it's in fashion, b) weather is hot, c) wants to show off her tattoo on her leg, d)


3. Any guy that would assume because I'm wearing a miniskirt that I want sex - well, that's a guy I really don't care to associate with.


4. I have nice legs, and when it's summer and warm, I'm going to enjoy the nice weather and I'm going to wear miniskirts - to Farmer's Market, to the library, wherever.


1. I guess if you are interested in good results I would recommend you not to wera mini skirts on the first date. Just my opinion.


2. Huh, I didn't say that. Not at all. I said she send a wrong message...

very wrong for guys. They do not think in terms of "She wants sex or not". they thin in terms of "I want sex" while looking at her miniskirt.

And while thinking about it he tend to forget about everything else.

yes summer weather is conducive to wear mine I understand. But you are going on a date, arent you? So you can dress appropriately.

Can you do it at least once, for the first date? Yes? Just do it if you want

some long relationships. I do not underatnd why you argue with me: I am suggesting so simple thing, that would contribute to your goal in a very direct way......


3. Guys do not assume much: guys look and feel, ok?


4. Thats fine. Just if you go on the first date and ideally you want a relationship, wear something longer than mini skirt. You will have plenty of time to show off the legs later if you get the first date right.

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