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Does this happen to everyone?...

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I have been dating my boyfriend for four months now...sometimes I feel like he's bored with me....I dont know why he would (cuz i always like to keep things interesting in general) but its the little things that make me notice this....For example, i dont think i get enough attention ...we might be watching tv and he wont have his arms around me (like he always does)....i really like affection but maybe im just asking for too much you think?....i have confronted him about not giving me as much attention as he did before....yet theres this void that i cant really explain lately...one day ill be perfectly content and the next i might be thinking "hey i really miss him shouldnt we be talking on the phone right about now?" So then I might get upset and have thoughts of breaking up with him but thinking like that upsets me, and then i go back to happy thoughts of being content...does this happen to everyone or am i just crazy? -Thanks

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I don't know about it happening to everyone.. but it has happened to me before. What did he say when you confronted him anyway?


If he doesn't wrap his arms around you when watching tv, then why don't you initiate things by cuddling up to him or something and see how he responds? i don't think you should break up with him over little things like these. But then, these little things might seem big to you.


Get it off your chest and talk to him, hope you guys can work something out.

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