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GF's and Just freinds

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Okay here it is people...... i need all the advice i can get. I dont have any problem making FRIENDS that HAPPEN to be GIRLS.....but girl friends is a different story altogether........it seems that all the girls i know i either A. dont have any intrest in or B. are just friends.......which sucks because there are 2 that i really like .....anywho i have accepted we are just friends and have moved on.........kinda lol. It is just starting to really get to me grrrrrrr. yes having friends is nice and all well and good but well, you know lol okay so basically my question what is the trick to or what am i missing to go from either friend that is a girl, to "girl friend" or to stop a girl from becoming "just friends".

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Well, there is nothing you can really do to stop a girl from saying those dreaded "i just want to be friends" words. If she doesnt like you not much you can do about it...but. Just start flirting with those girls you like and see how they react. like when your walking down the hall bump into them. if they bump back they might be interested, if they kinda just...get further away thats a pretty obvious message. If you get positive signals when you flirt with her ask her out to a movie or something, or invite her and a few other friends over to your place to hang out, i do that all the time

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It's not such a negative thing you know.... if there's one thing I like to do, it's set people up on blind dates! (Not that I'm any good at it... all the dates I've set up have been disasterous, but it is a lot of fun!)


I think you should stop worrying about these girls. Since they are your friends, ask if they know any girls they could set you up with. My parents met on a blind date - so it works!


It's true - once you're in the "friends zone" it is very difficult to get out of it. Don't worry - you are young. I'm sure that soon you will meet a girl who'll become more than a friend. It's usually when you stop worrying about these things that they happen.


Good luck!!!

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thanks for the advice i think i might just try it.....but the thing is sometimes i am 100% sure just friends but then sometimes....i get the feeling there is more... she has never said just friends per say but that "relationships between friends is not a good thing". Sooooo basically the same lol. However i am getting sick and tired of putting myself through that so i am going to close it and try to put it behind me. lol but maybe leave a crack open lol anywho i will ask some of my female friends what hey think about setting me up lol and thx again for the help

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