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I just needed to vent. I have posted a few time before about my breakup with my bf. My bf has asked for a break so that both of us can get our life in order. our problems seem to have caused many problems in our relationship and we both felt that we needed a short break. I on the other hand am regretting the breakup and am scared that it will end up being permanent. He keeps assuring me that he will continue to see me. For some reason he has been more into me than he was before he intiated this breakup. He says that he really cares for me alot but feels the break is for the best. I'm just exhausted with all the "why" is all this happening.

I'm still in love with this guy and find it hard to detach. I am so scared of what life we be without him.

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Hey hun, don`t worry there are so many of us going through the same thing right now-we can all relate.


I have been apart from my guy for nearly a month (can it really be that long?!) and supposedly this too is `temporary` but as the weeks go by I am doubting this more and more.


How long are you supposed to be taking a break for?

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Maybe I'm just more skeptical than most here, but I dont believe in such things as "breaks." They are usually nice, less painful ways to say "break up." I wouldnt be sitting around and asking "why" or "is he coming back?" if I were in your situations.


If you were married, and problems came up in your marriage, how would you feel if your husband asked for a "break"? A break is going on a fishing trip, going out with your buddies, taking a nap, or going for a jog. Anything beyond that.......well, let me put it this way....If a guy ever asked me to take a "break," I would offer to help him pack because odds are, its over.

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No, I dont think it's over. If he's still contacting you and is more into you now that before I think it means that he still cares for you.


A break in marriage is not relevant to this situation - marriage is different to going out.


What stage are you in your relationship? If it's a serious relationship that lasted for quite some time then maybe a break IS a bit of a breakup - and the fact that he is still contacting you means that he wants to be back with you - so keep talking to him, go out on a date and make out, talk, etc.


if it's an early relationship - maybe the two of you are just testing the waters - both of you are new to each other and there are trust issues going on - maybe this "break" is like a test to him to see if he can do without you before he really gets committed.


I think you have a chance - don't give up on him! Just keep talking and being yourself, show him that you are there for him but also keep yourself occupied outside of this relationship with your own activities - it will show him that you can be independent and he might respect that - and respect you more too!


So yeah, I think this "break" which he innitiated is just him testing himself to see if he can do without you - sounds like he just needs to sort himself out before he can open up more to you.

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