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I need advice with me and my girlfriend please

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Okay, me and my girlfriend have been going out for about 3 months, and everything is going great, but I am just sort of confused, because I haven't been in many serious relationships, but I know this one will last for a long time if I keep at it, but I just want to know if she likes me as much as I like her. We started going out because I knew that she liked me a lot, so I asked her out, and she comes over here a lot, and my family loves her, same with her family. We're really close, and we do many things together, such as go to plays, and movies, or just stay home and hang out. But we haven't kissed (or made out) in about a month, and I know relationships are based on that, but I just want to know what it is, I know she wants to, we've done things before, and she just got over this cold. But now things are back to normal and I am going on a trip soon, for a week, and I just want to know if this relationship sounds strong? We're very comfortable together, and I really likeher.

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yes, talk to her about it - if you are comfortable with her as you say, you should be able to talk about this with her.


Why not just kiss her one day? Take charge? see what happens? If she backs away, you can ask her what's wrong and this would lead to a conversation where you can raise your issues as you have written them here? See what she says...


and if she doesn't back away - well...enjoy!

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