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Girls Allowed?

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Ok, this is just out of curiosity and might even raise a laugh


I've been going night-clubbing near enough every week this year after an absense of about two years from the club scene.

Why is it that most girls I end up dancing with always go for my "southern region" straight away?


I'm not complaining btw , just asking your views!!!

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Because they're desperate?!

Usually, it's because they're drunk, and just having fun.

They do it, because they're 'allowed' to. If you tried to go for a girl's parts, then 99 times out of 100, you'd be slapped or arrested for indecent assault! So why are girls allowed to do it???

Nightclubs, basically are for one-night stands. If that's your thing, then fine. But if not, then it's better to look elsewhere (you'd save money and a hangover )!


Ok, this is just out of curiosity and might even raise a laugh


I've been going night-clubbing near enough every week this year after an absense of about two years from the club scene.

Why is it that most girls I end up dancing with always go for my "southern region" straight away?


I'm not complaining btw , just asking your views!!!

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lol yeah, they get away with it for being a girl *sigh* Just like they are allowed to use the guys toilets and get away with it. Its funny really, whenever myself or any friend i know has tried using the toilet in the girls, weve been shouted at on basically everytime to get out. Even more funny is that they used boxed off cubicles were u cant see anything (so to be honest whats the problem?), were as a guy has to stand at a urinal were a girl can look. And to finally make it histarically funny, these same girls telling us to get out are probably the same ones who use the guys toilets, so completely hippcritcal. But heh...there girls

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Hahahaha...oh well look at you Mr. Popular! 8) hehehe.


Yeh...it's the 'allowance' factor...girls are much more guarded in terms of physical flirting than they are if they're flirting with a guy. If you don't feel comfortable you shouldn't have to put up with it...but hey...if you do...



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They are probly drunk...very drunk. By the way JonnyG where did you get your avatar at I think those types of avatars are so funny.


Im not sure m8. But please dont knick it. I had a Gizmo avatar for a while that everyone thought was funny but then someelse used it so i had to swap to this.

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Yeah the toilet thing.....I can relate to very much. The club I now frequent has this policy that if you go to the wrong bog, then it is an instant dismissal from the club. Which is the way it should be because FF'sS it isn't exactly the best place for a lady - the guys bog!! Although, ladies bogs are IMO, worse in way of smell ie. ladies try to cover up smells with perfume and b.o. spray creating one big stink!!! I'm an electrician and I have had to change light fittings and extractor fans in ladies bogs in clubs, so thats how I know, not from the fact that I got dragged in the ladies at one of my 18th Birthday parties.


Anyway we've kind of got off the beat here.


Most of the girls I dance with are drunk, thats true. I always dance on the stage infront of the dancefloor so maybe they are playing a game of "go touch" and I'll buy you a drink? I dunno.


Don't get me wrong, I'm all for it, it just never used to happen to me....maybe I've come of age

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Thats terrible mysterious!


Imagine letting a girl force sex on you! You should have been strong enough to refuse. Especially if she was drunk (which I take it she was if she can't remember) then again if I were a girl and had done that, I would have just denied it!

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