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HEALTH now that something that i dont no much because i feel so low at the minute all i give off is bad feelings thats why no noe want to talk to me i no that if i feel good then i will give off good feelings but i just dont no how to change the way i feel in my heart i really want a boyfriend but i no that if you are looking for one then one never comes along its only when u stop looking that people start to see u but how do u stop looking when you dont really want to so i guess all i really want to no is how do i give off good feelings without looking fake when really i feel so down??? i hope that you all get back to me and help me sort this out coz all i really want is to be happy

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Well first off its important that getting a boyfriend isnt going to make you feel better in the long run. Sure it will feel so good at first, but if you're not feeling good about yourself to begin with the relationship will fall apart really quickly.


The only way that I've found to give off good vibes is to just give them off when you feel good. If you don't feel so great than whats wrong with showing that?

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A lot of people are down and sad - it's part of human nature - I myself go through lots of moods throughout the day - I'm happy, then I'm sad.


I think you think that having a BF will make you happier - well I think that being with someone you love does that - the person you are intimate creates support for you, a shoulder to lean on, so to speak...


However right now that you don't have a BF, I think what might help is having some goals in life - something to inspire you - find some inspiration in art or something you enjoy doing - make it your goal to get better at this thing - and do it a lot - like writing/playing sport.


I find that walking by the motorway along this long road makes me inspired - I come home all tired but energized...and then I dream about future and the places I want to visit and people I might meet - that makes me uplifted and I become inspired just to be me and be in this world.


So don't worry about being depressed - don't worry about impressing others either or feeling like you have to be happy infront of people...who knows? maybe there is a person around the corner who is also somehow down like you are - and you might meet him, see that both of you can understand each other - and "click" -> you are together.


You gotta believe! Read some books on philosophy of life - that helped me alot to find a perpective on my own existence. 8)

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Everybody does feel lonely at certain points of their lives or even certain times of a day.


Everybody wans a gf or bf. It is the sense of urgency that presses us to want to find a bf or gf fast. And this form of urgency can be related to our age, our perceptions, and our peer (which include the environment.)


I believe what you mean by 'when you least expect of it, it comes.'


This sentence has brought about a lot of paradoxes and some of us end up squeezing our brain juices excessively.


It is not telling you that you should least expect of its arrival, when your heart just dun bide the way it is desiring for it. It is like asking u, to forget a pink elephant and you end up picturing it in your brain.


Love unfortunately dun work this way.


If you are thinking the least you expect it, then the one that comes unnoticed is the one meant for you. It is like telling you, can you see a ghost standing behind you. And you turn your head and sees nothing.


Love is not blind to this level yet.


Dun read too much of it, out of 'you least expect of it, it comes'.


Just merely read it as, you are so surrounded by love, sometimes you are so comfortable of living in its existence, you forget that it still exists. Thats all!


However please do stay a positive mindset on love, coz our brains attract the things we think, positive, negative and definitely self-prophecy.

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