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Friend gets GF, and neglects his other friends

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Yea so my best friend since 3rd grade got a GF like 6th months ago and I was happy for him, But now he spends every living hour with her, even works with her, and totally kicked me out of his life. I know this because, after they made their little BLOG together, all their entries can be sumed up to (I hung out with my baby today).


I don't know about you guys and gals but just because you get a GF/BF doesn't mean you neglect all your other friends


What really got me mad was 3 times he said "yea lets play DDR tomorrow give me a call"

Well he never answered my call, returned my messages, or said why he flaked 3 times. . .Until I read his blog and it said he "hung out with his baby"


And Its not just me who's feeling neglected but all his other friends feel the same.


I think it's time I tell him off.

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I think you should mention it. Some people think that life should evolve around their SO, but what they don't seem to realize is that if things go pairshaped then whos going to be there to pick up the pieces? I'm quite lucky with my boyfriend, our friends are mostly mutual. But that doesn't mean that I don't hang out with my friends. It just means it's much more difficalt to find time to spend with them. It doesn't mean I give up. Life is packed full of things like that, he shouldn't abandon his friends.

Good Luck on telling him, and don't expect him to be happy that your saying it to him because he could take it the wrong way.


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You should talk to your friend.


Instead of telling him how much he neglects you, tell him, how much fun he has missed out when he is not around with all of you.


That way he will feel like joining you instead of he is the key point of fun of everybody.

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Thats definitely NOT COOL!!!! It isnt fair of him to do that.... how long has he known this girl? Been dating her?


He's been dating her for six months, and they've been working together for 3 months.


I left him an email just now and I hope he responds this time, and if not I'm gonna have to find some way to get a hold of him, probably at his work.


I'll keep you guys updated. . .i guess

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Its been more than a day now since I left a message on his my space and his blog, and I know he's read it (his last log on was 3/13, I posted a message 3/12), and he still hasn't responded. I read another one of his blog entries and same thing (talking about how he hung out with his GF)


I really don't think all this work is worth it. After getting flaked on 3 times and having all your calls and messages unanswered, It really seems like he wants to shut out all of his friends out of his life. How can I talk to him about this problem if I can't even get a hold of him?


Well his loss. . .sucks to lose a friend of 10 years.

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dude, ive been thru the same thing u have. i ended up losing a very close friend. its not too late for you. just let him see thru another persons eyes what he is doing. he may not realise it. trust me, it isnt that bad yet.

whats bad is this: "Oh im sorry, i cant make it to ur bday party, my gf has work"

but listen. jus calmly explain to him whats going on. SHOW him his blogs. ask him to show u a few or hell, even ONE where its him hangin ot with his friends. just be calm and u should get through to him.

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