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I want it but then again I don't....

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Hey guys....i just wanted ur advise in my particular situation. As you all might already know I am taking it slow with my ex. Believe it or not everything is running smoothly as of now. We speak everyday/email while at work and at night very rare when we talk...and if he does call I keep it nice and sweet and hang up. I am trying to see if by not nagging and doing my psychotic things if it will work btwn us. BUT on the other hand...im having crazy thoughts like whether or not I want him and I to live the "single" life and continue to take things slow and see if we can get that missing feeling back. I am jsut confused. I feel like im thinking like this b/c I have him there ....but then again I know that I wouldnt be having these "give up"feelings if he wasn't there....does that make any sense to anyone? Please share ur insights upon what I'm going through. Thanks all!!!!!!

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We are in the same place sister...Its like sometimes I feel like, "ok, I got what I wanted...wait did I really want this again? huh? did I"



That is, espically when I am reminded of why we split before, I havent done anything rash, but I am not sure if these feelings are normal or a sign of what I really want or need.

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Crazy isn't it...I know exactly what you mean. I feel the same way with my ex girlfriend. Her and I broke up about a year and a half ago and those following months, I wouldve done anything to have her back. Suddenly she started calling and contacting me again on a regular basis and the second that happened my feelings changed...like me saying to myself "this is what I wanted? I have it again...now what?" I started dating someone else...and that didnt work out...Now, she's in the initial stages of a new relationship and im back to where i was, missing her like before...but who knows if Id be satisfied if she came back now? We always want a challenge, and the chase always makes it more exciting.

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