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I started talking to this really sweet, good looking guy for a little over a week. I met him at the marine recruiting office because we are both going there. We have hung out everyday ever since i started talking to him and everything is going good. On friday we went to the movies and then out to eat.... I had a great time with him. Well, Later on that night he asked me out... And i didnt know what to say because i wasnt planning on being with anyone right now for the simple reason that i will be leaving soon and i dont want to go thinking that something could happen. But anyways , i ended up saying yes to him. two days later, i ended it, because i still was feeling the same way about things, and i told him that im not looking for a relationship, and the fact that things are happening too fast and i didnt have enough time to think things over. When i told him this, he started CRYING!! I was LIke OMGG!! i just met this guy about a week ago and he was crying telling me that he has never liked someone this much in such little time, and that i make him happy and that he likes me soo much. I was like Wow, i mean i like him too, but im not that crazy about it because everything is happening too fast. I have had the chance to kind of think things over it, and i really shouldnt run away from my feelings, because he makes me happy, and i really do like him, So i told him that i was confused but i had made up my mind and that i wanted to be with him. So as of right now, we are going out. But i am still scared at the fact that this is only going to happen for another 3 months and then thats going to be it. I'm scared of really falling for this guy and having to leave all upset thinking we could have had something speacial.. I dont know i am still very confused. Do you think i should just let things be, like stay with him and try to be happy for a few months? Or try to end it because i could end up hurting myself!!. I know that after i leave , the chances of seeing him again are very small. Please give me some opinions!!!

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wow, that is a tough situation. such a hard decision!!


i think you just really need to listen to your heart.


are you for sure going home in 3 months? and theres no chance of keeping in touch or seeing him again? Because if you really like him... there is the chance that things could work out... you cant rule out every option...


but if in the end you know you'll end up hurting yourself, and him, then why start...


listen to your heart... i know you'll come up with the right decision. good luck and keep us posted!

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I'd say you should go with how you feel. I understand that you'll be apart after 3 months, but I'm sure that depending on how things go...I'm sure you two will be able to find a way to see each other again. Don't live today worrying about tomorrow. You'll give up something that could be fulfilling as well as something amazing. I think you should go out with him, and talk alot about what's going to happen in three months so that you two will be better able to cope with it. At the same time, live for the moment.

Sometimes, I wish I could experience that sort of feeling that you have, and I'm sure there are other people who wish for that as well. Hold onto what you have even if it's temporary. As the saying goes, "It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." And I don't think you'd have lost each other when you leave anyway, because you'd both still be alive and healthy. And as long as you have life, there's no reason you can't pursue your dreams and desires. Good luck!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I understand it's human nature to try to protect ourselves from hurt but sometimes it's not possible. You've met someone who makes you happy. If you decide not to see him at this point (because you might come to care for him too much and miss him when you have to leave), will you be able to accept that so easily? I know I couldn't. I would be wondering if I'd made the right decision. I might constantly doubt any future relationships; measuring them against this one and wondering about the one who got away.


And if you continue to see him, you're concerned that you might each fall in love and miss each other when you are gone.


Personally, I would rather be happy and in love, take a chance, live the moments of today and deal with tomorrow as it happens.


Enjoy now!! There's no guarantee for tomorrow.

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