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I just started going out with a girl a little while ago. Before i went out with her i was pretty good at convos with her. but now that we go out now its gotten worse and worse. is this a normal thing? is it just because im inexpericened because im young? help me please

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Maybe, but it's tough to tell without knowing what the real problem you are having talking to her. Do you have nothing to say? Does she have nothing to say? Does she not want to tell you anythign, because you don't really listen. Listen to her with your whole body (keep your eyes on her face whenever she talks) and see if it gets better.

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Hun, that's so normal, don't worry. By the sounds of it you haven't been together too long, and you just need to find more "common ground". If you two are together you, more than likely, share some intrests, and that gives you a good base to start a conversation off of. And when you guys really start to trust each other, not that you don't now, but you will find yourself sharing more and more with her. Good luck!

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Girls love talking about themselves, ask her questions about what she likes or things she may have done! Hope that helps alittle!


An excellent suggestion. If she is interested in anything in particular, a sport, a type of music, an artist, a particular area of study, loves one of her classes, etc., you should try to learn a little about those things and ask her intelligent questions about them.


For instance, a woman who wanted to do this and ask me about something I like, say football, would bother me if she asked how many points for a touchdown, but if we began talking about how to run a zone blitz that would peak my interest.

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