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Should I ask him?

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I posted a couple weeks ago stating that my husband and I are going to separate councelors. He had his first appointment tonight, mine isn't until next week. I am curious about what he and his councelor talked about. Should I ask? Just on everyone's past expiriences would it be wise, or should I wait until after my apointment. I know after I have mine I will want to tell him what was discussed...

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well this depends on his feelings on the whole counselling thing. i think if ur curious you should bring it up casually like 'do you want to talk about it?' but if he doesn't, of course you should back off. you will be more sure about wanting to know after you go.

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I would say wait until you go and see your counselor and once you are telling him what you guys talked about while you were there ask him a simple question like ex: What did you and your counselor talk about? If he want to tell you he will if not then he might keep it a secreat until he dose decides on telling you later. Well I hope that I helped.

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We are going separately on the advise of his mom (a retired social worker). The back story for this is complicated, but she said going together wouldn't help much because there has been abuse. We need to work out our own issues first before we try to work things out together...

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Well that is a great way to start,Go ahead and ask him how it went and what happened there and when you go you will be glad to discuss it with him,Good luck with working on yourself and good luck with working on the relationship with eachother!Anytime you need to talk feel free to pm me

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I agree with scout. I believe the counsellor will tell you the best way to approach him. And for some counsellors they will in fact do an indirect character analysis of him and tells you how he is like.

And most cases, counsellors would advise you what you should say and what you shouldnt.


And finally the option is whether u feel confortable in discussing with him. Because most dont.

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