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Upon meeting my gf, i have an erection straight away and we usually end up kissing and just hugging for hours.


However when we move onto sex, i can't seem to get an erection. Later on the way home my penis begins to ache.


What should i do? Do i initiate sex earlier? Or is there a method to hold my erection longer/to not get an erection until we start sex?


Thanx in advance

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I would cut down on the hugging and kissing time to see if you still have erection problems. If it comes to that point and you are still having erection problems then it sounds more like a mental thing. Try doing things that get you excited or she can get you in the mood.

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Maybe you're into something you're not convinced you want to be. There's nothing wrong with you, so stop thinking there is. When you meet the girl of your dreams, there may be nothing you can do about getting an erection. Stop forcing the issue and approach your relationship from another angle. Do other things together instead of demanding of yourselves something you might not be ready for.




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