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I have a son thats now 23 years old, he moved to atlanta to go to school and work and expereince life on his own hes always been a very good child he was raised by voth mom and dad and had great support system, well as a young growing man he got introduced to some new friends in atlanta he starteed seeing some bad characters in those guys and stop hanging out with them, however the guys comitted crimes in atlanta andin which my spon wasnt with them at the time, the police picked the guys up and saw a check stub from when my son was staying at the house and picked him up to, now i never been the parent to think my son is so innocent because you never no what a person would do i raised him and taught him it was up to him to use whsat i taught him, i got a devasting call from police officals, eventhough i i taught him well but the crime commited was horrible i hired a private investergator to find out what went on i later found out that my son is really locked up for no reason his cell phone indicated he was not in the area when the crime commited he have several witness to vouch for him and the person that comitted the crime admitted all guilt and took the blame they accussed 7 people of the same crime no witness no weapon no anything i read the motion discovery and his it was stated that my son came to a party after the guys commited the crime and that he had nothing to do with it, but being atlanta ga have such messed up laws we have to go throw the process to clear him, there are 3 people in jail for crimes that are innocent, therefore my son still have to go to trail without a witness or any thing. This is my only child and although hes 23 hes still like a baby all he wanted to do was get out on his on he realized those guys were no good so he removed himself from negativity, this has took a big tole on my life, if he would have commited any crime i would have let him be but to no i=he did nothing and the bonds so high we cant make it, hes always been the type of kid to tell the truth but it hurt as a parent that i cant do anything about this i live 4 hrs away and the pain in his eyes hurt me dearly, how would you cope with this i feel like i failed as a parent!

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Is he still in jail until trail? He will have to get a good defense lawyer and be cleared at trial. Until then stay in touch with him and be supportive.

police picked up my son. therefore my son still have to go to trail without a witness or any thing. the bonds so high we cant make it
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Your not a failed parent. Luckily for you, you know deep down inside of you that your son didn't do what he was arrested for. The situation is grim, get him a good lawyer. But for yourself stop feeling like a failure, my mum raised me and my siblings alone and my brother older than me (mid 20s) & is and not really doing anything in life- he hasn't got a job, he wakes up in the afternoon, he is violent, he drinks, he smokes and he is very disrespectful on the other hand I am not. I started working very early in age, I've got a good job, I'm earning a great amount & I'm a very stable person. My younger sister is doing great in her studies and things are looking great for her.


But my mum still blames her parenting even though 2 out of 3 children turned out fine. Mothers are so hard on themselves- take it easy and don't blame yourself- your not a failure. Do what you can do by your son, knowing that you have done the absolute BEST to raise him, people make choices independent of how they were brought up- that's life. But it seems you did a very good job. Take pride in yourself that he didn't do anything even if he was caught up in all the mix up.

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Yes he is. Lawyer is saying the case is very thin but due to ga laws this is the process, but i will continue to support him i thank you for such positive response i kept all this is for 3 yrs and suffered a break down over this along with loosing my mom and finally leaving a realationship were i was mentally emotionally abused during my struggles i was hospitalized for 5 days and got help, iv been threw alot and had no support because im always the strong one and people lookup to me so i thank you guys for not being judgmental , but i struggled so much and been let down by the ones i thought would help who thought i would find support here!

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