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Hi All,


So here's the basic storyline... my ex and I dated for just barely over 3 weeks. We are both very religious though I wasn't as religious at the time. The reason we broke up was because our relationship was not God-honoring and not headed in a good direction (based primarily on physical aspects). I agree that the relationship was not a good one and had to end.


But as the weeks and months have passed, I can't help but think about him. Am I infatuated with him? Or is it more? Basically, I'm having trouble figuring out if there's even a chance that we may be together down the line. I feel like I'm in love with him but I don't know how we could start up anything ever again without the physical relationship. How do you know when you're ready for real commitment? I've given up dating for real commitment... I'll only date with marriage in mind but am I ready? I feel like I am but my age is telling me no...


Confused, as always.

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Hi Pal,

Listen to ur intuition. Age is not there yet, may sometimes translate to pre-marriage dreams u long desire to fuifil.


Why dun u heed that guts feeling?


U will feel much better than just listening to others, of early marriages. U can trust me on that.


U do love him, lest u wont miss him so dearly.


All u need to do about deciding this is:


If u believe what u do now, will get u a piece of heaven, do so, for the rest is just nonsense.


(loving someone doesnt mean giving up upon urself in honourable terms)

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