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how do u stop lovind someone?

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Well, last year around October me and my boyfriend broke up. Ever since then we have just been um...close...we still called each other all the time and still spent time with one another...we were just not dubbed, together. Last month one day he didn't call or talk to me at school once, then for the rest of the month he never said anything to me. I, of course went on my way. The end of the month and, his name shows up on my caller i.d., i picked it up and we talked for hours, he invited me to a party Saturday night and wanted to make it up to me for the what he called "break of a month" well, i went because i still had feelings for him and, spent the whole night with him. the next week at school though he was back to not talking to me. Tuesday he asked out one of my friends and by Wednesday they already had plans for the upcoming weekend together. I was angry. IF he was over me he shouldn't have told me to go to that party right? Well this Thurs. I started to flirt with some boy right in front of my ex assuming he wouldn't care but he had this angry look on his face like i was ding somthing wrong, that night he sent me an insant messeage with a recorded message on it with him saying some nasty words. What is his problem? How do i forget about him? Should I get over him? Help me everyone.

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This guy sounds confused and seems to enjoy playing games with you. My suggestion to is forget him and go on with your life. You are young, there will be plenty of guys waiting to treat you the way you deserve in time.


Drop this loser and don't worry about it.

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