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Hey all,


I've been in my first LDR for the last 1-2 months. I've been doing a lot of reading, and trying to find things to make things go smooth.


On a few of the sites, I found that some people found it useful to keep a love journal of their feelings. So I had this idea...


Why not make a on-line version, where both of you could post your feelings and thoughts? You could go back and read some of the good and bad times and be reminded of why you are with that person. Might make those lonley times a little less painful.


Of course, both people would need to keep it up to date, but wouldn't take much time. And you could do it from anywhere with a internet connect and web browser. (big plus)


So, my question here would be has anyone seen something like this? I looked at some blog software, and that could be made to work... but I wanted something easy to use. I'm a hard core computer geek so it's not a problem for me, but my GF isn't (yet


Want something simple, but still allows us to post pictures, and maybe even sound clips. If you guys don't think that's out there, I'm going to write it. Just didn't want to re-invent the wheel.


I also did a "virtual date" where I took a bunch of pictures of things and made up a virutal fantasy date. It was basically just a webpage with me telling her what I would do if we could spend time. Add some nice pictures and you've got a virtual memory. Kind of fun, maybe that could be linked into the love journal...


I wanted to see what you all thought of the idea....


Thanks for the input!

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Great idea! I built my bf a webpage for v-day containing pictures and a long poem I'd written for him.


As for the journal, it might work out for some people, but we communicate our feelings in long emails and endless skype conversations anyway. - I do have my journal about us, but would prefer for him to read it when I'm there with him, b/c it also contains some doubts and thoughts that might sound harsh but are usually resolved the next day.


I'm sure there's tons of software out there; I haven't really searched yet. But if you find a good one, let the ldr forum community know 8)

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