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So much for that...

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i was going to make my movie on this one girl i really liked but before i did someone told me that she was in a relationship and not to do anything and embarrass myself. I am disappointed and i am thinking about still tryin anyway fer the heck of it. i just don't believe she is in another relationship because she doesn't talk about "him" or hang out with "him" at all...she never talks to guys....any suggestions on what is goin on er w/e?

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Just because she never talks about "him" doesn't mean he doesn't exist. I never talk about my boyfriend (if I have one that is) with my friends at work or friends in general to be honest. I like to keep myself to myself and maybe she is the same?


Why don't you find out from her? There was this guy who liked me at work, and the way he found out if I had a boyfriend was to say something nice like umm, I don't know and then you say "I bet your boyfriend would do that for you" and she will most certainly reply with "I don't have a boyfriend" or "No he wouldn't/yes he would".


Best to find out if she has one first and if she doesn't, you can make a move...and if she does, then you can work out what to do to let her know how you feel

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