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Any actors out there? In desperate need of encouragement.

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Hey everyone. I'm feeling kinda down and just need some friendly encouragement. Aside from being a nutritionsist(my day job) I am also an actor. I've done it forever, but unfortunately due to financial and family issues I've had, I haven't done it in a while. I recently decided to get back to it and did my first audition in a long time. I felt really proud of myself, because I prepared really well and had a killer audition. I felt very confident about it until I got an email yesterday saying that they regretted not being able to use my talent for this particular season, but that they sincerely appreciated my audition and wished me success. And also enocuraged me to audition next year. I am not really crushed or anything(I have another audition in couple weeks) but just disappointed and need some encouragement. I start questioning my talent and place in life.

Any friendly words would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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Hi Yorkrose. Congratulations on making it through an audition! You should be very proud of yourself.


Remember that fate works in mysterious ways, it takes being at that perfect place at the perfect moment in time. Remember to maintain a positive outlook, and never give up! You see the potential you have to offer, now allow others to feel that potential as well. I can remember hearing story after story of celebs receiving rejection; Brandi being told she would never make it as a model or singer, Tyra Banks being rejected time and time again, and they both kept their heads high and never gave up, instead they tried time and time again. The band No Doubt? A small local band, for YEARS they struggled, suddenly one day they made it red hot.


You never know what you have to offer that next audition, or what connections you may make or what opportunities might arise.

Never ever give up, and big huge hugs to you for having the guts to put yourself out there! {{{Yorkrose}}}}}

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The film business eh? Don't let them take your soul

I think a lot of actors and actresses have to go through a LOT of rejections before they get 'that part'. Perhaps it's similar to relationships - work your bum off to find one, and you get no-where, even when you show your true colours to all and sundry ! But when you just give up looking, then somehow it finds you!


My best friend is a film extra - he's done quite a few films, including Alexander and a new one Derailed.

Have you thought about doing a bit of extra work in the meantime?

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well im an illustrator & i too have to deal with possible rejections also. but with some rejections, also comes success. it just comes with the territory. we all have a style, character, & personality we portray that makes us US and sometimes what we have isnt fitting for a particular job. that doesnt mean youre a failure, it doesnt mean you suck. it just means they are looking for a specific portrayal of their product, or in your case, their character personality. its cool man, dont stress, you'll find your niche. if i were you id email them back thanking them for their time & maybe next time things will pan out differently. ask them what exactly they didnt particulary like b/c youd like to focus on it & work at it. basically ask for constructive critism. itll prove your dedication & love for acting & how serious you take it. explain to them its been a while since youve been on stage & would like to maybe touch up on certain things. once again thank them for their time at the end of the email & just go from there.


ps: you probably already know this from workin in the field, but call them up a few months from now, reintroduce yourself & maybe they'll have some follow up work for you. dont get annoying, but its important to always keep in contact w/ previous clients and, in your case, producers, directors etc. its like following up on an application. keep your name fresh in their minds & one day they'll have a spot fitting for your personality & guess who just might get first dibbs on it.


goodluck man! & keep you head up.


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Thanks everyone! All your replies helped a lot! I feel much much better now! I'm going to keep trying-I tend to think at times "I wasn't pretty enough" (b/c there's always more of us gals that audition than men)and all your advice was very much appreciated. I went from sulking to smiling.


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Well, my sister is an actress/dancer and has had some small parts in a bigger film, as well as some smaller independent stuff, and commercials.


Don't get discouraged, it is often not to do with your talent, but also the "look" they were going for too...for example my sister auditioned for a commercial here. But she did not have the innocent anyone's daughter look they needed (a girl that gets drunk at bar and goes home with a guy). She looks too mature/hot for the part! But they were so impressed with her that they RESCRIPTED the commercial so she could have a part too, not main role, but wanted her to have one.


But she also makes sure to have an alternate career and is going to uni to go into law school and probably into entertainment law, as well as her acting, dancing and teaching (of dance).


Just get involved where you can in theatre, commercials, as an extra, find an agent, take acting lessons to brush up. And audition, audition, audition. There will be many rejections, but also some success with hard work, dedication and something that sets you apart.


Good luck!

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The professional actors creed:


audition, audition, audition.

when you have had enough - audition some more.


Never get downhearted, never take it personally, always learn from the process. You have chosen a profession that will defeat you only if you let it.

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