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I think this sight definitely helps... if you're willing to accept the advice/support that people here have to offer.


Its helped me in a few ways... seeing that I'm not the only one struggling with things.. and that people do care.


We're not the ones that will put the spark back in peoples lives... ultimatley its you, but I think that most of us on here want to help and support you!


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Speaking from experience, this site has been an eye-opening adventure... Even if one just reads and never posts, the advice, differences of opinion, and range of topics can enlighten, inform, enrage, and engage.... For me, I found this site when I wasn't sure whether or not I should tell my wife about an affair I had. Different people had different opinions, but in the end , I did what *I* felt would be right. Then, afterward, I posted asking for ways to help rebuild my marriage. Again, different suggestions were offered, and I took those that I felt applied to me and ran with them.


Is my life perfect now? No way, but who's is, really?


What I found to be the most beneficial part of this site is some of the friendships I have built and am building... Some of us have been on for a long time and some of us are brand-new.... But, we are all here to listen, to talk, to see others in ourselves and to see ourselves in others. By doing that, we may realize that we're not alone out here, that there actually is someone that feels the way I do or has been down the same road I'm on... Sugar-coated, or straight-up... You get it all right here... You may like some of what's said. You may hate some of what's said. For me, I wouldn't have it any other way....

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Iv been a member of this site either a year or nearly a year, it has helped me alot,


It helped me kick in the no contact rule for when i split from my ex and doing the no contact rule it helped me come to terms of not being with him anymore, which was a blessing,


it also made me realise that what i felt, other people was outthere with the same feeling and what i needed was not to be ALONE , and i wasnt,


this site doesnt have a quick cure. or offer ways of getting back with your ex, it offers help on how to deal with your grief and is a place to air your views and to be listened, i may not need to use this site for advice like i first did, but i do visit nearly every night to read other posts and to offer my view or help when needed!!


so i say a big thankyou for the team at Enotalone and all the posters!!!

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This site has been an invaluable resource and great comfort for me. Sometimes just receiving others' advice and point of view has allowed me to view situations from an unexpected angle, and has allowed me to make wiser choices because of this.

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