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Ex is moving her things into new apartment. Having a really tough night

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It's been over a month since my break up, kids have actually adjusted well so far. My break up took me by surprise, I've gone through all the stages of grief. My ex has a new apartment which she has moved into. I'm so furious with her, she works a part time job working nights on the weekend, that will be the weekends I'll get my kids. But this is the last weekend that my children are going to live under this roof. I have found it hard to parent, I've been short with them. My two boys don't get along at all and the younger one who is six just fights with him, and wines, and cries about anything so it's been a tough day. I've come to a realization that I'm morning the loss of my family, and that I'll need therapy to be able co parent with a woman who I am beginning to loathe. Who really I shouldn't hate because it's not that I don't agree with the fact we needed to end things, and feel I don't think I love her. We had nothing in common, we fought all the time. I was always very critical of her. So I know we were heading for this and I'm glad she gave me my life back by leaving me. It's just this pain I have that I cannot pin point where it's coming from, or why it's there. I'm joining a gym Monday, calling my eap and getting some guidance. I'm going to plan something fun for my kids next visit. I am just a mess today, to top that off my dad's been in the hospital very sick, I've had to deal with that, and being there for my mom. I think im on the right track only was wondering if anyone could relate or had any advice.

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Remember.. thru all that is going on... the kids need dad around too. so do your best to take care of YOU as well here.

Yes, it's a hard pill to swollow when a break up happens. Loss is never easy

Plus it's an adjustment you're all having to make and accept.


Kids can adjust to these things.. especially when they realize mom & dad ARE still there for them. I've had 2 break ups with kids involved and they did okay.


Try to get your rest & eat well. Godo for you re: joining a gym.. some guidance etc. It will help.


Just have to go one day at a time and work on 'accepting' it all.

In time you will come to accept the facts, that things just didnt work out.. but you tried! Thats all we can do.


Life does go on.. change happens all the time. You will be okay.



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