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Think she's gay

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Found out that my girlfriend would get on craigslist posting ads to hookup with other women, now this was before we started dating. But sometimes I feel she's still into women even though she's stated that she's never had a sexual encounter with a woman. What baffles me is that she was doing this for over 2 years actively looking for women on craigslist and never had an encounter.


She's had sex with people on craigslist (a guy) although she said it was one time. Anyway she has this female friend that comes around every now and then but when she's around age acts very bubbly, very giddy. And I don't like it. She acted the same when my co-worker came over, she's a butch. We've been together 2 years now.


I don't know what to do, we've talked about it numerous times and she swears she's not interested in women ave says that she was in a dark place. What's crazy is that she was looking for women a couple of days before we met.

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Maybe she's just bisexual, you don't necessarily need to be gay to be attracted to the same sex, some people are into both, maybe that isn't something she's totally sure of herself. Though I do understand how it can be a bit of a blow to the ego to not feel like you're what your partner is into. Sexuality is complex sometimes, maybe she is attracted to woman to an extent, but it doesn't negate that she's attracted to you. If she is committed to you, THAT is what matters.

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Maybe she's just bisexual, you don't necessarily need to be gay to be attracted to the same sex, some people are into both, maybe that isn't something she's totally sure of herself. Though I do understand how it can be a bit of a blow to the ego to not feel like you're what your partner is into. Sexuality is complex sometimes, maybe she is attracted to woman to an extent, but it doesn't negate that she's attracted to you. If she is committed to you, THAT is what matters.

So what about her pursuing women on craigslist? Anything sexual with the same sex is gay to me.

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So what about her pursuing women on craigslist? Anything sexual with the same sex is gay to me.


Um no, if she's in a relationship with you, a male and has pursued or been interested in woman in the past, that is bisexual. Though I now understand her possible hesitance, if she were to admit to any past interest in woman you would clearly just write her off as gay. Despite what you define as 'gay' you can have attraction to both sexes, maybe you're just choosing to ignore that.

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Um no, if she's in a relationship with you, a male and has pursued or been interested in woman in the past, that is bisexual. Though I now understand her possible hesitance, if she were to admit to any past interest in woman you would clearly just write her off as gay. Despite what you define as 'gay' you can have attraction to both sexes, maybe you're just choosing to ignore that.

Um no, you have your perception I have mine. If anyone has a sexual encounter with the same sex your gay, that's how I see it.

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My recommendation would be to not worry about if she is gay, bisexual, or straight. Instead you should look at her behavior in your current relationship. If she is somehow showing you any unfaithfulness in your relationship then you should deal with that issue. If she appears to be faithful, then just enjoy the relationship. If you're the type of person who will be bothered if she has ever had sexual contact with a woman, then you should just ask that question, and accept her answer and move on. Do not continue bringing it up. If you keep raising it as an issue you will almost certainly destroy the relationship.

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