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What are my possibilities?

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I am very confused right now about what I want to do with my life. Right now I just work a full time job at a factory that sucks but pays decently for my age.


All I know is I dont want to be working in a factory the rest of my life I want to do something. My problem is this, I barely got my deploma from High School because I had a rough life and never believed in myself for the longest time.


Of course so many people like me regret that they never took their schooling serious, but thats the past. One thing I've really thought about doing was something to help younger teens. Nothing like a teacher but maybe a school councilor. Two things though I dunno if I could qualify for one and dont know what kind of salary they make. I need to try and make atleast a decent living, I dont want to be rich just comftorable.


Thanks for any replies

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I think that's great and you should help teens. You'd probably get paid less but hey, you get to see what's going on and enjoy your job! . Maybe you could help me out and tell me why to take school seriously. I don't for some reason. I never was really into school until this year. PM on why I need to get my crap together. Because I can't find any confidence in myself to do well in school because I've always hated myself for screwing up on a test or something, or getting bad grades.

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hey. listen, dont get too depressed im sure its very easy to get in this cycle. but there are a lot of possibilities. take a few extra courses, do a little research on something that you're interestd in like counciling. or start with a job that has potential later on, although not very impressive right now. like work as a teller in the bank, and if you do well and upgrade you can easily move up in that department. there are tons of oppertunities, im sure its hard right now. i mean im 16 and im FREAKING OTU about course selections. im this total nerd and i feel as if life is over if i dont get accepted to UofT. so i know its hard to jsut say "get over it". but really, by working in this factory but a little aside for savings. take out a student loan and try taking a few courses. do alittle reasearch. like i say for you, i think a good thing would be to do something like a teller in a bank or something like that where the qualitifications are not VERY HIGH, yet there is a lot of oppertunity for improvment. dont worry, you're just a little down right now, and hey if it pays decently then that means you can probably put a LITTLE aside for savings or what not.

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Night school would be a good place to start. But i think before you decide on an exact career area to focus on you should maybe go and do a weeks work experience in the field so you can get a feel for it and be sure it's what you're interested in. There's nothing worse than going through all the schooling and starting the job and realising its not what you really expected. I think it is a great idea to work with teens in any capacity especially if you have had a troubled upbringing because then you can relate to what the kids are going through and be better equipped to help them in dealing with their problems. It would probably give you a lot more passion for the job aswell. It would most likely pay less than the average job (as all jobs that involve helping others do), but i think the emotional reward would be enough to compensate.


Do some research on the areas you are interested in and what you need to achieve your objective. There are lots of positions that involve this type of work - school counsellor, youth services worker, case workers with social services child division etc... Find out what you're passionate about and go for it. It is never too late.

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Take some real quality quiet time. Really meditate on what your heart tells you you want DEEPLY to do. I always believe that a person's career should express their deepest gifts and desires. Some love science, or math, or music or plain helping people. Where is your heart leading you?


Then, when you have such an idea, go to a place where there are people who can inspire you, who can challenge you. Get yourself into a place where the people you live and learn with will pull you up, and will befriend you. Learn, grow, give these years to yourself without any compromises. Above all, be inspired, stay inspired, achieve and inspire others.

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I think its great you want to try and take control of things. Like a few other people have said, look into local communtiy colleges. With most community colleges you pay depending on what course you take, so you can take a night course or two in a subject you're interested in to see how it goes. Like you said you're interested in maybe being a school councilor, so you could try taking a psychologhy into course to see if you like the material. The best bet is to get a course catalog from a few of you local comunity colleges and just see what interests you. Then from there you can come up with a plan of study as you start to figure out what you really want to do.


Hope that helped,


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