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On Tuesday, my Grandpa died. He was the smartest man I knew. Out of everyone I could have had as a hero, he was mine. He came off as a stern man, but underneath it all he was a real sweet man. He loved to hunt and fish and knew everything about everything, or I sure thought so. Today was the funeral, it didn't even look like him, they put way too much make up on him. I got 3 roses that layed on top of his...whatever you call it.


I sit here crying tonight thinking about him, knowing I'll never get to see him again, I'll never get to go fishing with him again, and he'll never teach me how to water ski. But I do know, that he is in Heaven, that he isn't suffering anymore, that his life was well lived and he is in a much better place now.


Then, I have a friend, who abuses her body. I think of it as abusing. Because she just has sex with pretty much whoever. Sure there are some people she wouldn't but she is 15 and has had sex with 8 or 9 guys. She gives them what they want. And she doesn't have to. She deserves better. I'm worried about her. And I sit here crying because I feel so helpless. I don't know what to do. I can't help her until she is willing to help herself. I told her what I thought because I got sick of sitting on the sidelines, without saying a word.


Then she went out with a guy 20 minutes later. I told her she didn't have to, she could take it back. She said she already said yes and that she was lonely. Well I am too. But she went.


What can I do? I know there is something better for her. God didn't put her here for her to live her life this way. She doesn't believe in God, by the way.



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Hi under,


First off, thats sad to hear abot your grandfather, but at least he's in a better place now, and you always have your memories of him. My conolences.


As for your friend, i don't think there is much you can do in this situation, as its her decision weither or not to do the things she is doing. What you can do is be there as a friend. I think it was good that you voiced your concern for her, and you should keep letting her know you're worried about her, and reminding her that you think she deserves better. What she is doing is most likely a sign of deeper issues, and the best you can do is let her know she has a good friend who cares about her. Just remember that you can't make her stop, only she can do that.


I hope things improve for you, and again I'm sorry to hear about you loss.


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Wow I wish I had a grandfather like that....and for your friend, why doesn't she believe in God? And she is abusing her body....I guess she will never learn until she gets an STD, unless you can get her some help now. I'd recommend telling a school counselor and remaining anonymous, I'm sure they have a way to get someone who abused their body like hers involved and it'll scare the **** out of her and she'll stop. Well tonight I'll pray that your grandfather is at peace in Heaven.

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Hey, I konw what it's like to loose grandparents!!!


A few year back, I lost BOTH my grandfathers, AND my great grandfather within 9 months, all of unrelated issues. I swear I am the luckies guy alive to have known these two. One, a war hero who was still the gentlest person you'd ever met, I have more respect for that man than anyone ever to grace god's good earth; the other, absolutly the brightest person i've met in 17 years, with a huge heart. To this day, there is no 2 people I admire more than my two grandfathers, as well, i really wish I'd know my GreatGrandpa better. I'm actually crying writing this. Grandparents are like parents, who know better!


So for that, I am truly sorry. If you need to talk to someone about it, maybe I can help. You already know it, but he is in a better place. And someday, you will go fishing with him again. He is with out father, our saviour, and someday you will be too.


Your in my prayers


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Hi under_the_pressure,


Im sorry to hear about your Grandpa, i know what its like to lose a loved one and i can tell you that it does hurt a lot at first but then each day it gets a little easier as you start to look past their death and remember all of the happiness and love. Right now you just need to let your emotions flow, tell people how you feel and dont keep them bottled up inside.


As for your friend, it sounds like she doesnt want to listen to you because you are speaking the truth so i think that sooner or later she will realise by herself what a mistake she has made. Just be a good friend to her and keep warning her of the potential dangers involved. That is all you can do.

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I am sorry about your loss,I hope you feel better soon!!


About your friend she is going to do what she wants and even though you are just trying to help her out which is a good thing she may just not want to listen,She will learn the hard way if she does not stop doing what she is doing.

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Hi there,

I'm sorry to hear about your grandpa. I never knew mine.


You are right. He is in a better place and he can't suffer anymore. When someone I know has died I like to think of them as a guradian angel that looks out for me.


I'm sorry about your friend as well. Your a good caring friend and I hope your friend realises that. I think this is something she has to work out on her own.


If you want to chat some more we're here

Take care


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Thank you for all your kind replies. They mean a lot. You are all so friendly, it's good to know that those kind of people are left in this world.


I'm going to be there for her, because I'm her friend. She tells me not to worry but, how can I not? I do. Maybe she'll realize, but I'm going to keep reassuring her that I'm here for her and that there are other ways to be, thanks for being here for me when I needed someone.


True Kindness,


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Worrying about her is natural given the situation that she has put herself in and the life she is leading. Make it clear to her that you dont think its right for a person of her age and let her know of the dangers involved, but also make sure that she knows you are going to be there for her no matter what.


Oh, and we're always here when you need us!

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On Tuesday, my Grandpa died.


I know the pain of loosing a beloved Grandpa...


And I sit here crying because I feel so helpless. I don't know what to do. I can't help her until she is willing to help herself. I told her what I thought because I got sick of sitting on the sidelines, without saying a word.


Well first of all, you shouldn't concern yourself with what others get up too - why are you bothered? Recognise the friendship causes you pain and move on - avoid the suffering.


I told her she didn't have to, she could take it back. She said she already said yes and that she was lonely. Well I am too. But she went.


Hmm, is she not spending as much time with you as you would like?


Are you feeling a little left out because your faith and beliefs prohibit you from acting the way she does or close to it?


You sound a little... I don't know... your concern for her well being is 'nice' but you seem to becoming over to me a little envious either of her actions or the attention she is giving others and not you (especially in this your time of need).


What can I do? I know there is something better for her. God didn't put her here for her to live her life this way. She doesn't believe in God, by the way.


Uh oh... be very careful not to go interfering you might upset her greatly - try not to impose your beliefes on her she might not appreciate it.


If you are concerned for her well being approach her and discuss the subject.


As a friend of hers careful not to do anything you know she wouldn't want you to do - monitor your motivations and be careful not to do things because the result benefits you rather than her...

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Alicia, I was already crying the other night when I talked to you, just because so much was going on with me and my body, and my heart and in my head. But when I heard about your grandfather I was crying more bc I can't imagine what it's like and I love my grandfather so so much. I know it hurts so bad, but I'm glad that you are strong enough to see that he's in a better place. It's so incredibly better than here. And just think, you're going to get to see him. You're going to get to go there, Lisha. And when you're there you'll never hear people lying to you, or not noticing how beautiful you are. You'll love it there.


And a poem about myself, because it's all I have to say.


The path I choose

Is full of thorns

I'm bleeding every step of the way

I'm naked

And I'm torn

I touch the roses


Like silk

And they draw me in

Can't you see that it's raining

And I'm drowning

But it's beautiful

The rain is always beautiful

And it waters the beautiful roses

Their thorns covered in my blood


I love you, so so much.



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