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Not getting better

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What id thought was just a bad couple of days last week....has turned into pretty much everyday now.


Pregnant exgirlfriend has done a fine job of making me feel like she completely duped me and I feel so unworthy.


Feel so dead inside...even had a coworker apologize for no reason because they thought they'd pissed me off because ive been so quiet lately.


Staying busy doesnt work anymore. Just feel too alone now. Ive got to do better for my kids...but I feel so devastated Ive shut myself off to friends and family and I just go through the daily motions....getting the kids to school and their functions etc. Watch movies at night because I cant sleep until I my eyes just cant stay open anymore.


Im obviously depressed....just want things to change for the better. That happiness I had mid to late last year is just a distant memory now....but everywhere I go I see someplace I went with her.


I ruined her life apparently by getting her pregnant. I thought we both were excited...all I wanted was to be there and take care of her and shes made me feel like a sperm donor and thats not who I am and its weighs on me so heavily its hard to function.

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You gotta stop being so hard on you're self, depression is not easy but start by setting small goals.

Ideas one

1)write down on a scale of 0 -10 how you feel (0 being bad 10 being awesome)

2)write down steps you believe will take you feel better each day

(Example if you feel like a 1 you will want to feel like a two by the end of the day so what steps will make this happen)

3)Do what will make you feel better

4)repeats each day

Idea two

Each time a negative idea enters you're head use punishment on self (attempt Cognitive behaviour therapy) for every time you do something right positive reinforcement.

Idea 3

Get some consoling

Idea 4

Exercise 30 mins light cardio

Idea 5

Think positively one day everything will be alright

I've been through a depression my self and these are what I done.you're situation is unique but it will work out.

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Just want you to know that you are not alone. I wasn't pregnant...but planning a wedding...geez 5 long years ago...oh will be 6 this June! How time flies.


But I would stay up late, until I couldn't keep my eyes open. (going thru another breakup...it's 2a.m.!) Then wouldn't want to get up in the morning. I had no kids. Self-employed...let things slide. Wouldn't answer the phone. Holed up. Only crawled out of bed, to get on ENA.


One day a friend/customer came to the door. My mom had called her, because I wasn't answering the phone. She drove to my house to make sure I was ok....vs. dead.


She said...will you call your mom. I said, No...will you?


I didn't want to talk to anyone. This was maybe 2 or 3 months after the breakup.


Now I'm going through another. After 2.5 years...of ups and downs....he's found another woman.


I was just 'with' him last thurs, because he had said he 'missed me'. Ena always said, don't fall for that line. sex. Cold. Spent that weekend with her.


So yeah. Just yeah.


I'm 61....when the hell am I gonna wise up? So like you...I'm up all night. Not answering the phone again. Haven't done my taxes...due soon. lol hope that it doesn't take 2 years to recover like the other one did.


Will the ex let you see your child once it is born? Do you talk to her at all?


Sometimes it gets worse, before it gets better....and that's what I fear now....

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