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How should I contact her? Girls? Should I?


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Me and my ex girlfriend were together for three good years . We had plans of getting kids , married and even kids names ect . We had just been away over Christmas and decided we were ready to move out. We set up savers accounts and credit cards ect shaping that we were both serious about it . We both work and go to uni meaning we are always really busy. There was a two week period where I went from seeing her from pretty much every day to three or four. I had fallen out with my sister at home, my parents are divorcing so as you can imagine the house was like a battlefield. Her parents had seemed to have swayed her from moving out so things became slightly stressful. Because of how busy I was with work and uni and family life those two weeks seemed to be about rough. She would tell me we weren't financially stable to move and that we couldn't take my dog. She is prone to stress and has got a lot on her plate in deciding if she wants to further her education or begin a career. I had seen her one night and everything had been fine we kissed and said bye in the morning and then a day later she said she wasn't happy over text and ended it. After the good years she bailed at the first problem. I obviously asked for us to sort it out but she wasn't willing to. She had bought me tickets for the two of us to go to Ireland Alfie a Christmas present so I don't think she had doubts in her mind at that time although she has kept those tickets! Since then I haven't spoken to her in over four weeks. The no contact period. I haven't heard anything from her but she was always the stubborn one anyway. I have had time to find what I want from life and I know can see because I'm not being forced to that moving out and taking the dog isn't something which I want either. Should I tell her? Should o make contact or should I wait and see if she does? I think she made a sudden decision but I think she will stick by it. I know all of her family and friends were upset and they only sing my praises . Should I make contact or leave it? If I do make contact how should I do it. A friendly text to test the water ? Leave no contact longer? Any past stories similar to this?

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