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Will it ever be the same?......

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Well for thoses of you that know my situation....here it goes again. I have seen him for the past 2 days. It was wonderful each time. yes...we did have sex but honestly I try to compose myself and NOT have sex but it is sooooo hard. Anyhow....we spoke a bit and he said that he didnt want to rush back into a relationship but he ould love to start off by "talking" to one another and not fighting like we have been since the breakup...


Hey...it's a start ya know...I dont want to rush into things as well eventhough I want to be with him sooo bad...BUT though he says he doesnt want the phone calls to start as if we are together and all that...but guess what he has been emailing me and calling ME...What do I do? Do I accept it and just play it cool or should I tell him to stop (which I dont want) its soo hard....PLEASE HELP ME!

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Hey this is scrapping but as long as he is not telling you " I don't want a committment right now" you got a chance. He is the one calling and persuing you, let him invest in the relationship that way. The more he works for it the more he will value it. Even though some guys say one thing they do another and it's their actions that speak louder.


Don't tell him to stop calling. Don't even remind him that he was the one that wanted to go slow. Let him keep coming to you and you... just respond to him.


Hey he wants to wipe the slate clean and start fresh...excellent. Remember you are friends first, so be as sweet as you would to your friends.. and don't forget to stay busy, busy with your own things so that you won't obsess over this relationship. Enjoy it and enjoy the attention. Trust him to do the right things for you guys... Best of luck to you.

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esboogie, I am happy for you girl.... you are right, you have to take this slow. You should only be talking a couple times a week right now, you dont want to rush into it. I think this is in your best interest:


A woman usually PLAYS HARD TO GET. Instead of calling, she acts like she's BUSY, this makes the man try even harder, and pursue her

even more. Over the next two weeks you should call him every few days, and see him maybe three times for a few hours each. GIVE HIM THE GIFT OF MISSING YOU! If you're around all the time, you become predictable, expected, and uninteresting. And vice versa for him.

On the other hand, if you're mysterious, challenging, and hard to pin down, he will think about you and miss the times he's had with you.


That is what I am learning myself. Cause I ahve always been one to wear it out in the beginning, then a few weeks later, what do you have?? It makes alot of sense...

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Thank you Muneca...u made me feel good right now. Your right I will definitely keep on letting him pursue me. Its hard b/c I tend to feel at times that I have that "relationship" feeling inside. And feel that my actions will act in that way...but I will chill out and take it as it comes...its messed up that it has to be that way but hey nothing is easy in life. Hey u never know i may get tired and not want to wait any longer. But as of now im standing tall...Thank You.

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