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Okay, so about 6 months ago my boyfriend and I started dating. Everything is still good, or so I think. After a couple months of dating I started staying over there. For the past 3 months it's been more of me living there. So a couple days ago, he tells me that he wants out of the routine. He wants it to go back to how it was in the beginning, ie me staying on the weekends and maybe a couple of nights out of the week. He says he doesn't want to break up, he just feels like this is it, this is what the rest of our lives are going to be like and says he just wants a step back for now. He doesn't want me living there yet. He wants his girlfriend back, not a wife. I'm 21 and he is 22, so I can understand this for the most part. He says he still wants to see me everyday. So what I'm thinking is that he is just scared. I want to know what you all think about it. Please Help! Give me some ideas to what ya think, please.

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hello, well I know whenever i've moved in with someone after a while

it feels like your old doing the same thing day in and day out, after a while you stop calling your friends to be with the person you love

but it's a crock of b.s. because in the end of a relationship like that

where your so used to someone being there for you everyday,

life seems to be ten times more unbearable and lonley.

you have to understand your still young too, and life shouldnt be that settled and doing the same thing everyday with the same person

maybe he's just putting his guard up so he dosent get hurt either that

or he has commitment issues, but either way I hope this helps at least

having another point of view, well good luck :scramble:

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hey, i dont think u shud rush to conclusions, i think that he likes u a lot, just hes tired of the same old thing i think he just needs space and once u give it to him it'll all be fine...just guys are different than girls they need space and dont like to comitt

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well i'm a girl, and i would be doing the same thing in his situation. you are young still, and absense really does make the heart grow fonder. you want him to have a reason to miss you a little bit. you want to show that you have your own life still and don't need to be around him 24-7.


it sounds to me that he likes you enough to tell you the truth rather than just break it off. i would comply with the request and start doing things away from him more often. i think you'll find that he'll respect you for having other interests apart from him.


take it from me, it's a good sign. you wouldn't want a guy who wants to know where you are every second of every hour of every day and doesn't want some kind of occasional separation...

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