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When you want time out

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I noticed that when you really dont want any relationships with the opposite sex it keeps coming and that too in legions. Why is it that majority of the time when you least expect you have men coming at you like a swarm of bees and professing their undying love. When the one you really wanted and loved has hurt you to an extent of cutting yourself from the world of love.


Recently I have been keeping a low profile concerning men/relationships & love but it keeps staring me in the face and waiting for answers which I can't for the life of me give right now.


Guess I am gone COLD TURKEY !!


Or maybe I just am not looking cos when I did I found all the wrong ones

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I know what you mean! It always seems to work out that way. Maybe it's because when we are with someone we don't notice all the other men because we're too wrapped up in the one we have. Then the one you want/have tears your heart out and you feel you have nothing to give anyone and don't want any men in your life... that's when we notice all the others that were probably there all along. Very annoying! My partner says it's usually the other way around for him and his friends. No girls approach them or seem interested until they are in a good stable relationship with someone they care about then they have women throwing themselves at them and giving out their number weird!

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Oh yeah - I'm in that situation too. I've decided i don't want a relationship and I'm on a dating break. So naturally, the men are flocking. I've decided to go out with one this weekend, but I'm not planning our wedding, as I would be normally I think it has to do with a "vibe" you put out. When you are happy with yourself, you look happy and confident - people are attracted to that. When you're "looking for a relationship", people smell the desperate vibe and run away.

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its like when ur lookin there no where to be found and when u stop looking they are EVERYWHERE...I know where ur comin from.

I want to be in love , but i have already been in what i use to call love...

he hurt me. I feel like no one can ever compare. Or something... ..

what is love? ya know? Im sure you will find mr right!


K Im outie!

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