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Women and clothes...

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Do women find guys more attractive wearing certain clothes? I wear the shirts I want to usually and I wear almost tight blue jeans that show my legs and *** and I wear white Nikes. I can't get any dates, and I have moderate zits. My behavior around women is fine, I can make them laugh and they'll tell me I'm funny or fun to talk to. What am I doing wrong? It makes no sense. Could it be my status? That's something I've never really excelled in other than I'm inbetween (Inbetween prep and geek). I haven't bought a new "set" of clothes for about 5-10 months, maybe that's the problem; I don't know. But what is with this crap? I mean why does a women judge you on the way you dress? It's not like I'm wearing rags. I bet you could talk to a guy with orange hair, clown shoes and multi-colored pants and T-Shirt and the guy would be completely normal other than the way he picks his clothes lol. And I have like no confidence though, My self-image sucks so much because I've had zits for 8 years. I have guts to talk to women, or ask them out though so I guess that's confidence. Anyone know what my problem is?

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hey you know what its probably your confidence level. honestly clothes can make a guy hotter, but its not the main thing. its just like anything else, arent you attracted to a girl with a nic body or nice hair or has clothes that enhances her features? its just natural, but really we dont JUDGE you. its just part of the package, im being honest. and your self confidence comes through, honestly i think its easier if a guy isnt attractive vs. a girl, we're actually more into the whole personality thing. im TALKING GENERALLY i know there are alot of guys that arent like that and same with girls. but ya, i woudlnt go saying "why do women" because i think it has nothing to do with gender. btw, about the acne, dont feel too bad, most poeple suffer from it, and i dont know but proactive looks pretty good. but if thats a little high ill tell you a little secret. ive been using this thing called BLACK SOAP, its this african thing...like i got it at a stand in the mall, but im sure if you did a little research you could find some near you. and it has kept my skin prettyyyy nice. cleared up my back. and itsl ike 10 dollars for this big ball that lasts A LONG TIME if you use it right. so ya...proactive looks good but its pricey, so try black soap. and try not to worry too mcuh about the skin, its not a big deal. remember that you have ALOT MORE TO OFFER, and that NO ONE IS PERFECT.

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Clothes can help... i'm pretty well dressed and not all that great looking, but my personality is great. but people notice me for my shirts i wear... (mostly polo's) but i really try to mix it up... a knitty under something can make it look way better.... just try to bring out the colors that aren't as copious in the shirt.


my .02



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Well, I don't have a digital camera so I can explain what I wear, I wear some A&F, Ecko(BLUE JEANS NO GANGSTER STUFF NOT THAT BAGGY, actually kinda tight like those old school skaters), some MetallicA shirts lol, some basketball clothes (T-shirts and shorts, shorts are baggy, T-Shirts aren't). And that's basically it. So basically my clothes suck, what do you girls recommend wearing for a 16 year old?

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Zits are a pain in the ***, they degrade my self-image massively since I've had them soo long. I have these inflammatory marks that will never clear up no matter what I do so it looks like I have a lot of zits but actually I have 5. Oh yeah I typed 34 on the other post I meant 5, don't know how I did that.

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I know exactly what you're talking about. I have them too. Luckily, I can wear makeup, and it's taken care of. When I used to be less broke (I'm a grad student now) I would go get regular facials. That really helped clear up my skin. The spots will fade with time. Certain alpha-hydroxy acids could speed up the process. I recommend you go to an aestetician.

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LOL all I wear are jeans and t-shirts. I have a suade jacket and a hoodie for when it's cold but otherwise I wear those funny t-shirts with quotes on them. Just wear what you think is cool. Don't try impress women so much. If they like you then they shouldn't care what you're wearing unless it's an old stinky shirt with rips on it.

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Yeah man, I totally agree with you and I wish women were more real about picking people to go out with. They'll date some total clueless moron with some nice clothes and childish humor. But not me....Hmm..really annoying, most women are superficial I guess or maybe I'm looking at the wrong types of women. I have no idea.

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Yeah man, I totally agree with you and I wish women were more real about picking people to go out with. They'll date some total clueless moron with some nice clothes and childish humor. But not me....Hmm..really annoying, most women are superficial I guess or maybe I'm looking at the wrong types of women. I have no idea.


Dude chill out. There are so many women out there it's not even funny. Don't get all depressed when you see one girl picking "the wrong guy." You be you and you attract the type of girl that you're comfortable being with as far as personality goes. It's not just about picking up a girl. There's also that huge step in between that involves figuring out if you two would match well.

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To tell you the truth... women will always go for the rich, popular, and fomous dudes... so forget it.... better get your butt to sears or something and get some new pants and shirts... (I need to get my butt over there too so I shoul't be talking much)


All I know is that I REALLY don't like going and buying clothes... its... a waste of time in a way... but it will woth your wile...


I used to be the geek kind of guy but I change my clothes... hair stile, fix my face... grew a bit taller... brush my teeth (Not that I never did it ) did some body work out... hmm.... forget it... I'm ruining it....

so just get this... get some clothes... if you can't afort it.... try e-bay............................................................Really...........................


I don't get girls man... Last year I was the ewwww.... and now... they can't even look at my of shyness.... some girl today grabbed something I had around my neck and I was like.... "what the ****"....... and grab my thing.... and keeped walking.... she fallowed me saying that I was scared or something about getting close to a girl or something.... but I don't give.... I want no girls right now and NO!!!! I am not gay....... and YES.... the girl was a pretty blonde...... and NO..... I'm not crazy...... so..... ya..... do what I said before....

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LOL Gauchori is that enough periods in your post? I like your style.


...women will always go for the rich, popular, and fomous dudes.


Um, no. I don't agree with that. They might like them because they seem to be more confident but in the end if you have confidence in yourself then you have just as much as a chance as a rich, popular, and famous dude.

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Thanks dude, still it's hard for me to find a girl that is hot in both personality/physical category. And it's like they don't seem attracted to me which is really odd. I mean girls will be attracted to me but they'll just be not my type. Maybe that's something I am projecting through my clothes....and Gauchori lmao, "go to sears and buy some clothes." "wait im ruining it...try e-bay" LOL.

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exacly! Popular dude are much more confident... so if he dresses like one... he may start acting confident too.... (don't act it.... live it!)


Also girl are atracted to funny dudes.... I mean... funny... not jerks wanna be.... that will just make you look like.... a jerk!


so.... hmm.... you like my stile huh? Alright.... so maybe I should start a dot lenguage.... anyways.... You'll live dude.... I know I have ........................... no wait...... oh yeah I am.... Just a little sleepy.... so yeah.... you'll get trough it....

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Dude by the way.... how old are you?


Its mest up... mostly dudes think I'm a bit funny but.... no ladies.... maybe I need to study the girl and hang out with them more....

The thing is... most of them are not... "hang out" or "friend's" material.... you know what I mean? I you just can't go buy a good friend at home depot! (Now you know the truth.... home depot does not have it all)


Sometimes I think I try too hard to be funny.... or at list have some fun... but I usually don't talk much in real life at all.... Dude... don't do what I do... but do what I say! (Its an old Father's saying.... no offence Father..... catholic prist.... hope you get it....)

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The key to being funny I think is to watch a lot of TV and to know a lot about things. Which is mostly watching TV because reality TV shows and stupid cartoons and comedy central have what it takes to be funny. So basically a little insecureness pays off with a little bit of studying. Everyone has there own taste so there not going to laugh at every word you say. I recommend for humor just watch Comedy Central all day lol. And watch some lame *** shows like Friends and The simpsons, and most importantly Family Guy. That's pretty much the funniest cartoon ever made lol.


Here's a simple formula for humor: Insecuritys + TV + Creativity = Humor.

In mathematical form: I + TV² + C = H.

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