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Please help - What's the best approach?


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First I want to say thanks for reading.


I was at a friend's friend's house, a little quick gathering before heading off to clubbing. Let's call this friend who owns the house Tom. I met Tom's sister briefly that night, she was really charming. However we all had to leave and I didn't get a chance to ask for her name.

This is about 4 months ago. I didn't think too much of it..


Yesterday I saw her again on the elevator when I was visiting another friend who happens to live in the building. I wasn't sure if it was her, so we just smiled and had the hi and bye conversation. After I got off the elevator, I remembered that was her and can't believe I missed the chance.


She is very pretty, I will be surprised if she is single.. but I would like to find out more about her. What should I do to get another chance to see her and not let people think I am a stalker or a pervert? My friend thinks she works out at a nearby YMCA, maybe I can join the gym also and maybe I will bump into her? or there would be a smarter way? A friend told me to leave a note at her door, what do you think?


Any suggestions or advice or comments are welcomed!

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The best way for you to approach this is to get yourself in a situation in which you will be able to have a nice conversation. Nothing huge like marriage or going steady but just to break the ice a little so to speak. Make sure you keep her laughing and keep it up beat and light on the conversation. Once you have established a decent rapport ask her if she would like to get together for a cup of coffee or sumthin. Then you can take it from there. As long as you are able to make her laugh and show her a decent time you will have no problem. Now... if you feel that this girl is into you and you dont have to pre-heat the oven then by all means ask her for a little get together where you two can talk and get to know each other a little better.

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You're situation isn't as hard as some other people I know. I know you really like her, man, and I myself have felt like I'd do anything to get with a girl. But before you comtemplate jumpin thru hoops by joining the YMCA even when you're not 100% sure she works there, as one of the guys said earlier, ask her brother to hook y'all up. And if you do happen to bump into her again, don't be afraid to ask her out. In the long run, you'll be more relieved if she says "no" than spendin every moment wonderin she'll say, and this applies to any other girl. Good luck, bro...

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