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After months I saw the ex. It was too much. She has moved on. Started dating a few weeks after we ended and is still with that person BUT did tell me she loved me as I told her I still loved her too. We also sat next too each other at a documentary film where her current person she is dating wasn't there. It has been 7 months since we broke up but that was way too much for me. Huge, crazy setback. I realized I had to not see our mutual friends and not see her. I think of her every damn day but I think I'm just a toy and ego stroke for her. I must stay clear of all things to do with her and all people associated with her. It is extreme but I think it is a must. In many ways this person was too much of a narcissist and it really messed me up. I can't allow this anymore. Thanks for listening.

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Its a source of frustration to want what we want, but every time we engage with someone we care about, we are left empty as expectations from them are never met. "maybe this time..." nope. For our own sanity its best to empower ourselves and choose to stay away.

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