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I just need some help right now. My girlfriend and i dated for about six months and we broke up after a huge fight. During the relationship we talked everyday and we did love each other. Anyway its been about a month and she is dating somone else now. He is a really nice guy but I dont think she really likes him. I want her back badly and I want to know if anyone thinks I have a shot.

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Why did you break off in the 1st place, was it something serious that could not be amended? Also have you tried no contact at all, b/c it seems like you 2 still keep in touch. Until you know what it's like without, then perhaps you are feeling lonely. The fact that she is with another guy already says something about your past relationship or even her. But maybe the fact she is with another guy, gives that feeling of having something you don't already have. Try some reflection about yourself, prior to taking any action to trying to win her back. Good luck!

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Pffttt, you blew it yourself,

During the relationship we talked everyday and we did love each other
. Maybe you 2 did love each other but you ruined it for yourself. A girl wants to be taken for granted not called everyday and treated like a goddess. The more attention; the more driven away they get. And another thing, girls don't like "nice guys" that's what brainwashing society wants you to think. But it's bull****. You can get her back though. You can't act like a nice guy. I know this sounds stupid but read this article. It works trust me. This might save your success with women lol, being a "nice guy" is a really bad thing.
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You may have a chance at it. A lot depends on how things are with you two now... You may also have to give her some room, but keep yourself in her mind, if you're still talking and friends.... If there are little things she might need help with or if she needs someone to talk to, you can try and be the one there for her... No, it won't be easy, and it may break your heart in the process, but if she really isn't 'into' this guy, then maybe she'll realize what she had in you and come back to you...


Think about why you two broke up... I fthere is osmething within your power to change (about yourself), then work on that and little by little show her that you have changed in whatever regard it is. Now, that may not be the case, we don't know all the details, but just something to think about....

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Orbital, the reason why girls fall for those other guys and you sit there and wonder "What is it that he has that I don't?" Well it's not confidence (even though it plays a significant role), it's just what's in that article. Put it into action and you can get any girl. No matter what you look like (you might not have a good sex life though if your 300lbs and your favorite event is Monday Night Football with your buddies.).

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