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I like my best friends sister

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0X Ok here it goes, I have this crush on one of my best friends little sister who lives in the next town one hour away. He doesnt mind, but the mother does. Ill be at their place for a party on saturday and ill be going for a ride( alone with her) with her to the mall and the to rent the movie for the party and im not sure if i should make a move and if i do, what do i do? please i really need help so anwser me asap 0X

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if i were i'd avoid the situation entirely, but if you like her that much you just gotta go for it. Winners do things losers don't want to do. But watch out with her, your friend may think it's ok...but what happens if there is problems in your relationship with her? You put him in the middle of everything...and that could cause some troubles, and possibly a loss of a best friends...that's all hypothetical though.

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