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Premature Ventricular Contractions(PVCs)

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I've been having PVCs for over 2 months now and I'll only be 17 on march 13th which worries me. MY heart pauses for a second and then *THUMP*!!!! I'm just wondering if anyone else on this site has these SCARY palpitations. Im just very scared and do not like feeling alone on this. I've read they are not usually dangerous but it's still scary.

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Well, I don't have them, but I assume (since you have placed a name on the condition) you have seen a doctor for this? If so, was he or she concerned? If you haven't gone, I'd go right away to make sure it isn't serious.


I just did a google search on this condition (I assume you have already done so as well). According to the American Heart Association, this is very common in children and teenagers, and that usually no special treatment is required. It also says that these could eventually go away. However, there is a small chance that the condition is caused by disease or injury. Has your doctor checked this out?


Edited to say, according to that website, your heart isn't really skipping a beat, the one before the big thump just comes earlier than normal. The pause between the beats is what makes the next one more powerful, resulting in that thump you feel.


I can imagine that this is a frightening condition. It seems like it's common though, so you are certainly not alone. Take care of yourself, and keep us posted!

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I've been to the doctor before I knew it was called a PVC because I was having palpitations. He ran and EKG and found no palpitations and told me that my heart was beating normal. Afterwards I felt a bit calmer. But latley I have been feeling extreme Anxiety when I do get the palpitations so Im connecting the 2. The only thing is, sometimes I get the palpitations when Im not even thinking about my heart(But mostly when Im Anxious). The doctor still doesnt know that I'm having PVCs, which Im planning on going back to him AGAIN and explaining to him that Im almost 100% Im having what's called a PVC. Hopefuly it is stress related and not anything serious. I've had an EKG and have had blood tests ran(I dont think they did a cholsetoral screening) and everything returned normal.



Any advice or words of encouragement would be very appreciated(I need it!). I just need to try and calm down!

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i get these things, too, and have for a while. it's very common but doctor's like to label it (they have to diagnose it as something) and unfortunately it makes you think you have some kind of rare disease or condition. i used to think it was a problem and indicated something wrong with me, but now when it happens (rarely, but more often when i am stressed or have anxiety) i realize it's not going to hurt me. it's scary because it feels like you lose your breath for that moment. i'm sure you will be okay, though! don't put too much focus on it and it may not bother you as much.

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I also experience these heart palpitations from time to time, it happened a lot more when I was younger, but I would have to agree that they are due in some part to anxiety. I have a heart murmer (Mitral Valve Prolapse) which has been linked to anxiety in those with the condition and it definitely can affect the way your heart beats. I would suggest cutting out all caffiene for a while and any other stimulants and see how you feel. Lessening your anxiety should help, too. But as for being concerned over your health, I wouldn't worry too much at this point. Just keep getting yearly check-ups and make sure you tell your doctor everything you are experiencing.

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Last year I broke up with a long term g/f which put ALOT of stress upon me. And Im also pretty lazy, dont exercise much but Im not really out of shape. Im not overweight(acctually I'm small for my age 5'5" about 120). Im scared that all of this has damaged my heart. Everyone is telling me it's probably Anxiety but it happens somtimes when Im not thinking about it.

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Well from what I read, it's not only anxiety that causes it, it just makes it happen more frequently. If your tests all came back normal, you probably have no long-term damage. However, it would certainly not hurt to have regular check-ups and to make sure you take care of yourself. Do your best not to worry, as these palipations sometimes just go away.

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