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I am slightly overweight and I honestly enjoy it. When I was in high school my mates constantly harassed me because I was really thin, so now that I am a little bit fat it gives me a sort of comfort. I know that never again will anyone harass me for being too thin. I am only slightly overweight, and I am not obese. Being a little overweight isn't significantly harmful to my health, so I think I will stay at this weight and be happy in it.


After all, why should people be miserable all the time about being too fat? For really obese people, sure they need to do something to lose weight. But if one is only slightly fat, who cares?


No girls seem to be turned off by my slight fatness (I get more interest from girls now than I did when I was super skinny). I like my weight. I Like my body.


And too all people out there who are just slightly overweight I say this: Celebrate your weight!!! After all, diversity in weight is good. If everyone was the same weight, then there would be no diversity. That would be boring. Super fat people and super thin people make life more interesting.


Anyway, I am happy to be slightly fat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Thats really great! Its always good to hear about people who don't have "perfect" bodies, but are still comfortable with themselves.


You say you've gotten more girls now. Well I would say that it has mostly to do with your confidence. You probably weren't so confident being skinny and being made fun of about it. Of course confidence is only part of it all.

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Great to hear, I'm not in great shape right now myself (nothing hockey can't fix haha), but in some cultures being fat is seeexyyy!!!


Just remember though, whatever your eating right now that makes you slightly chuby, could lead to more serious weight problems when your older and your matabolism slows down!


Good for you buddy!!!!!!!


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I am thrilled to hear you are happy, but be careful.


People tend to "underestimate" how much overweight they are. You should do a calculation of your BMI (search for BMI calculators on Google).

If your BMI is too high, it IS a health risk and you do not need to be obese to have your health compromised. Even 10 lbs overweight can severely increase your risk for health problems, and your cholesterol can already be quite high.


Also, whatever your weight, physical exercise is very important for your vascular health and strength, and healthy eating important for your immune system, general feelings (ie unhealthy diets can lead to depressed feelings and stress) and long and short term health.


Rather than trying to stay overweight, why not aim on being healthy? Go to gym and build muscle, run, cycle, whatever you enjoy. Because while it may give you some comfort, there can be consequences...especially as you get older and it is harder to lose, and as weight slowly creeps on overtime so you can hardly notice until it is much harder, and more dangerous.


Being physically active can also increase your confidence, without any of the negative health and emotional risks.

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I have calculated my weight on several scales, and my weight is fine. I am less than 10 pounds over the "normal" weight for my height and gender and age. I am very healthy physically. Ten pounds too much is not too much at all, as long as you are healthy. As long as my weight does not increase significantly, I plan to remain at this weight and enjoy it.

My self-confidence is at its highest level ever...and so is my weight (though I am not super over weight...just ten pounds)

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I am thrilled to hear you are happy, but be careful.


People tend to "underestimate" how much overweight they are. You should do a calculation of your BMI (search for BMI calculators on Google).

If your BMI is too high, it IS a health risk and you do not need to be obese to have your health compromised. Even 10 lbs overweight can severely increase your risk for health problems, and your cholesterol can already be quite high.


BMI's are not always accurate...it doesnt account for muscle mass...it simply divides your weight by your height to give a range of 'healthy digits'. my friend is 5'11'' & hes like 250lbs...but thing is hes primarily muscle & looks fine. but according to his BMI chart hes like 3rd stage obesity.



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I am aware of that, being athletic myself. But the original poster has said he is more "overweight" hence not muscle, so for him BMI would be a more accurate "guesstimate" of whether he is a healthy range or not.


If he was telling me he was lifting weights and his BMI was high I would say the same as you, but for people who are relatively inactive and have FAT as their "overweightness" it is a good gage.

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I am aware of that, being athletic myself. But the original poster has said he is more "overweight" hence not muscle, so for him BMI would be a more accurate "guesstimate" of whether he is a healthy range or not.


If he was telling me he was lifting weights and his BMI was high I would say the same as you, but for people who are relatively inactive and have FAT as their "overweightness" it is a good gage.


--Ya thats right. I don't really have too many muscles, though I am strong and very healthy. In any case, I posted because I am honestly happy with my body, and I think other people should be, unless they are severely over weight. Just because a person is ten pounds, or even 20, overweight, they shouldn't feel bad about themselves.


I like what Dragongirl said about liking 250+ guys!!!!!!!!! For me, the weight of a girl doesn't matter too much. Her personality is more important.

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lol BMI


Like Arnold Swartisnawefja;lrkgjarl;g ----you know the Terminator with the hard to spell last name....


He said if BMI's were correct he'd be clinically obese hahaha!


--I hate that Arnold guy. He is such a pervert. He's been groping women, and I don't think that someone like that should be in power. He should lead by example, but he has set a poor example!!!!!!

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Wow! I truly envy you!! I wish I could say that about myself!! I'm not overweight for my height, but I tend to carry weight in my butt and legs, whereas the rest of my (except my chest) is rather small!!


Good for you! Its amazing for me to see someone a little heavy happy with themselves, even when society is telling you that you're ugly, or whatever!!


... I like a man w/ a little meat on his bones!! My bf is 5'8" tall and he weighs 250!! Mostly muscle, but he is def overweight, and I love it!!!


I just think of it as more to love!

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I recently went to college and I put on about thirty pounds, and I too am overweight now. Like you I am also enjoying it. I like having a bit more meat on me, and its kinda fun to be jiggly lol. I plan to stay overweight also, as this is how I like myself. Glad to see I found someone else like me.

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