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Yeah so there's this girl at school in my 6th period. I've had this crush on her for a few days. She seems kinda shy, and I am trying to get out of my shell. Yesterday I asked her what she was doing over break. We've been eyeing each other some during class (well I have anyways, she sort of has, along with twirling her hair), though haven't really talked. Would it be too soon to briefly put my arm around her when I run into her to say "Hey, how was the trip?", or just to say "Hey"?

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I'd stay away from physical contact for a bit, other than like high five or w/e.


I once saw a friend of masage a girl jokingly, we've known for like 3 years, and watched her cringe. It'd be waaay to soon, you never know how she'd react.


not yet my friend, but keep working and it'll be soon enough!

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