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okie dokie my parents don't trust me. I'm in the going into the ninth grade right now. in seventh grade i made a huge mistake. when both of my parents we at work during the night, i invited my 'guy friend' over. we did not do anything sexual though. we just talked all night. i fell asleep on his stomach though. i thought it was the best night of my life until my parents find out! apearently my nosey neighbors told on me. i was so pissed off!!! anyway that broke the entire trust thing my parents had for me. and that's A LOT of trust. and they were even doubting my virginity! (i'm still a virgin to this day. no matter what i say, they don't believe me!) OK i know i was young, stupid, and careless but COME ON!!! that was like almost 3 years ago! i've been trying to gain their trust but i keep breaking it. on accident though. little things. my parents are wayyyyy too uptight. like if i'm 5 minutes late the trust is gone. meet up with a boy, trust is gone. anything that has even a tiny bit suspicion of me being with a guy or doing something illegal. i used to be really bad for a 7th grader. but i've matured so much during those 3 years and they can't see it! i try talking to them but they won't listen!!! this gets me soo sad sometimes. not the fact that i'm not allowed to chill wit guys, but because knowing my parents don't trust me! it's depressing. and it's interfered with alot of things in my life. i can't have a b/f (i know i'm a little young -14- but c'mon it's 2003) i can't go to the movies with guys. (not even in bigg groups!) so i always end up sneaking around. then i start feeling really crappy with guilt. i need some advice on how to gain their trust back. please!! this is ruining my good young years!! and i don't wanna be tyed down in high school.

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Ok hun not to be mean but from your message you definitly sound like you still have some maturing to do. You have to understand that you are only going to be a freshman in high school and you have plenty of time to do the things in your mind (other ppl ur age do) I from past experience have done stupid shit but I give you credit that you didnt have sex yet save that its somethin u only wanna lose if your ready and you find a guy that is ment to be and isint just horny at the time so he can take advantige of you. Just play things cool for a whille and dont try and do things or ask to do things that yoiu know your parents would not aprove of, they will come around soon. Sit down with them and talk and let them know how your feeling. Somtimes you have to give a little to recive a little, compromize. It might come down to your alowed to go the movies with a guy if you go with friends but you have to be home by 9. Just give it time your yound and have plenty of time. Im a teenager to but I have learned the hard way and once I talked to my parents and compromized things were great, they love having me be friends with guys and my mom often will invite my guy friends over and if they call and she answers shill often talk to them on the phone. My relationship with my parents has definitly gotten stronger since I tookj the time and thought into how I should live my life compared to the way I thought I should live my life. I hope this helps and if u wanna talk more im or pm or email me and I definitly could give u some advicxe and past experience storys.

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